Fiona Frost: Order of the Black Moon

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Book: Read Fiona Frost: Order of the Black Moon for Free Online
Authors: Dr. Bon Blossman
stepp ing out of the drivers’ side.
    “Fiona, I’ll be right here. Here’s my card. If you need anything , call me.”
    My early morning classes had breezed by , and I found myself strolling into Mrs. G arcia’s class room. Anticipating my morning dose of Wolfe , I picked up the pace to my seat , scurrying down the aisle . He wore a colorful beanie looking like it was inspired by Fruit Strip e gum , t he edge of the hat land ing right above his eyes, his hair flipp ing up over the rim.
    He slipped me a folded note after saying an unusually formal hello. He seemed somber ; I was re luc tant to read the contents. If something terrible had happened, my frail emotions would shatter, given what I was dealing with in my life . Odd for him to write me a note, as most people our age sent text messages . Fearing the humiliation I’d endure if Mrs. Garcia confiscated the letter , I slipped it into my backpack to read later.
    Wolfe never looked in my direction during class , which I found to be bizarre . H e usually waited in the hall for me after class , but after the bell rang , he rush ed out of the classroom and sprinted down the hallway . Was he angry with me? What had I done? No way, this had to be something else.
    Maddie was anxiously waiting for me at our usual table in the cafeteria . She was the only club member with the same lunch period, but since she was my best friend, I loved it . She already had my tray of pizza and French fries waiting for me — the only entrée w e found edible.
    “Haley off to New Zealand ? ” she inquired with resignation as she gathered her long black hair into a messy bun on top of her head.
    “ Thank gosh , Maddie. A weight has been lifted. I mean, with all this crap going on, things have got t o start going my way, you know,” I said c urtly, throwing my backpack on the floor and sitting down on a green metal stool .
    “What’s with the braids in your hair? Seems random. And the contacts? No glasses? And I see you ’re wearing your picnic shirt,” she interrogated.
    She read me like a book.
    “Oh, just reacting to the stress of it all , I suppose. This is my way of aesthetically rebelling against stress,” I giggled softly, grabbing a French fry from my tray.
    “Tell me, Fiona! Tell me what Detective Chase has updated you with — I cannot stand to wait until after school at the lab meeting . I thought about the cave and all the samples we collected all night . I even dreamed that Damien Lee was chasing me with that sword . It was so crazy . ”
    Her eyes widened with excitement like a toddler about to be read a fairytale.
    “ Alright , hold on, Maddie . I do have an email from him on my phone , but let me see what this is about first,” I said , pulling Wolfe’s note out of my backpack.
    I unfolded it , and after scanning it quickly, I read it again to focus on every word:
    Fiona, I formally apologize for everything I have done regarding my inappropriate behavior towards you. I should not have tricked you into saying yes to go with me to the prom or tr ied to tak e advantage of you in the cave when you were in a time of need. Then last night, I bothered you on the phone like a crazy stalker. You’re my ‘boss’ in your training program, and I know I am not allowed to act this way towards you. I respect you more than anybody I have ever met and would go crazy if I ruined our friendship. I understand your position 100% . Please accept my apology. Friends ? Wolfe
    My heart drained of its blood; I secretly gasped for air . Emptiness filled my chest cavity as the back of my tongue swelled , constricting my throat. With a great force, I swallowed t o prevent choking, but soon realized it was just mental . I had lost something so significant. Yet, how could I lose something that was never mine? I gasped for air as my pores open ed , the sweat gathering on the back of my neck. Maddie ’s eyes investigated me . She asked if I was alright.
    “I-I’m great . This is …

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