Supermarket Magic: Creating Spells, Brews, Potions and Powders From Everyday Ingredients
the inten-
    tion that it shall be “according to free will and for the
    good of all”. Why? Well, there are a couple of reasons.
    First of all; if you send all your magic out with the in-
    tention that it be “for the good of all” then, you never
    (seriously! NEVER!!!), have to worry about unforeseen
    negative consequences from accidental, irresponsible or
    “black” magic. Any spell that you cast with the intention
    of “for the good of all” already has a built in safety net to prevent any and all controlling or cursing elements of a
    spell from manifesting in the first place thus saving you
    from having to endure the consequences. The “according
    to free will” part also ensures the safety and responsibility of our magic by focusing within our intention the condition that our spells will not coerce, compel or control the free will of another in order to manifest our magical goal.
    Witches are taught the concept of “Infinity of Solution”
    which contains within it the belief that no one needs to
    suffer in order for our happiness to exist; everyone can
    “win”; we can all be happy at the same time with harm
    to no one. That is what Witches believe and that belief
    has been reinforced through our life experiences and our

    Magical Ethics 45
    magical practice. If you use magic to reach your goals “according to free will and for the good of all” then you en-
    sure that your work is positive, progressive, effective and most of all, proper.
    The second reason why it is advised that you do your
    magic “according to free will and for the good of all” is a bit more selfish (but, that’s okay). The reason is that when you work your magic in this way, you virtually ensure your success. You automatically maneuver around the obstacles
    and opposition that would exist out there in the universe
    to a magical goal that was sent out in the spirit of “I want this no matter who gets hurt or what the cost”. That at-titude would not be conducive to successful magic since,
    everything and everyone is spiritually interconnected and
    so, many destinies are intertwined with one another. If
    you cast a spell for something “no matter what” then, if
    you are powerful enough to get it, you have caused a dis-
    ruption in the flow of events for both yourself and others that are connected to you. If you work for the good of
    all, you are not creating a disruption but rather, you are merely adding your specific desire into the flow of current events. With this one subtle act you make a profound difference. You remove opposition; you create rather than
    disrupt and/or destroy; you nurture rather than neglect
    and you empower rather than weaken all of the people
    involved. Now (unfortunately) this doesn’t mean that as
    long as you work in this way you will never have a magi-
    46 Chapter 3
    cal failure; you still might, but the scales of success versus failure will be GREATLY tipped in favor of success.
    The second magical “rule” is: no magic should be
    done (solely) for personal gain. Why? This rule should be
    taken with a grain of salt. It goes along with the previous guideline that states that magic should be done for the
    good of all. There is nothing wrong (thank goodness!!!)
    with using magic to get what you want. Granted, magic
    is a spiritual practice and is a byproduct of our spiritual learning and understanding and so it can seem irreverent
    or sacrilegious to use this energy and knowledge for the
    acquisition of mundane things, but it needn’t be. Magic
    is a gift and this gift is meant to be used for the betterment of our lives and the lives of those around us (as-
    suming they desire it). Confusing aren’t I? I tell you don’t use magic for personal gain; imply that it is a sacrilege
    and then say to go do it. My guideline for this is “if your desire or goal will better your life and enhance who you
    are (or the one asking for the goal), then the use of magic is not only “okay” but also, highly

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