Supermarket Magic: Creating Spells, Brews, Potions and Powders From Everyday Ingredients
encouraged”. If your
    goal is frivolous (a spell for a new car is important; a spell just to get a “better” car than a next door neighbor is not) or harmful, then I would advise against using magic to
    achieve your goal. Using magic for personal gain is only
    bad or incorrect if you use it for frivolous ends or in such a way as to cause harm. That’s it; case closed.
    The next rule regarding magic is: that what you send
    out returns to you. This is not only a “magical rule” but

    Magical Ethics 47
    also, a rule in every aspect of our lives. Everything that we do creates a ripple effect since we are all connected to one another and to the universe in which we exist. Everything
    that exists (naturally … not so much with plastic … and
    yet … even plastic) vibrates at a certain pitch. Everything is particle AND wave. It all interacts and intermingles
    and affects itself and each other. When you drop a stone
    into a pond it creates ripples in the water that radiate
    out to the edge and then doubles back to the point of
    origin. The waves ALWAYS return to the point of origin
    (granted, frequently they return in a weakened or subtle
    state). It is the same with our actions. Our actions gen-
    erate a spiral of energy that reaches first outward, then
    inward; back to the point of origin. This is why we should always conduct ourselves in a positive manner. The physical nature of the earthly plane is slanted toward decay.
    We, as living beings thus have the responsibility to cre-
    ate, maintain and foster growth. If our actions are posi-
    tive and nurturing; positivity and nurturing energy will
    be released and (eventually … ) return to us in the form
    of positive and nurturing life experiences. This is not to say that “bad things won’t still happen to good people” I
    am merely saying that through positive thought, action,
    magic and experience you will tip the scales in favor of an overall happier life for both yourself and others.
    Some say, “what you send out returns threefold” while
    others say that it returns to you tenfold or even others that say it returns in equal proportion or (like ripples in a pond) in 48 Chapter 3
    a weakened or relaxed state. Either way; know that it DOES
    return and you are much better off making sure to conduct
    yourself in such a manner that it does not return with a vengeance . That’s my advice on the matter at least. Your experience may vary as may your life choices, but I shall end this subject with the personal note that when I was young(er)
    and stupid I did misuse magic for petty revenge once and
    without going into detail, let’s just say what goes around came back around to me and I haven’t misused magic since.
    Don’t say I didn’t properly warn you … mwah ha ha.
    The final general magical rule that I shall discuss is one that can be found in virtually any magical guide (including earlier in this one); to time your work according to the moon phases. The reason for this rule is that the moon ex-erts a great deal of influence upon humans, (other) animals, plants, and the earth and ocean. This influence is due to the moon’s gravity, light and; in its orbit, the angle at which it resides in relation to both the earth and sun. When the moon is “new” it is lined up with the sun; a perfect alignment would be a solar eclipse. This is considered to be a
    powerful time and the reason for this is that the gravity of the moon and the gravity of the sun have (since the moon
    is small and close and the sun is huge, but really far away) a similar gravitational influence on our bodies and when
    they are in the same general area in the sky we are being
    “pulled upward” as I like to say, by both at the same time.
    The moon is “waxing” after the new moon through
    until the full moon; (approximately 14 days) and during

    Magical Ethics 49
    this time, the moon appears to be moving away from the
    sun and growing in light. As such, the gravitational influence of the

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