Supermarket Magic: Creating Spells, Brews, Potions and Powders From Everyday Ingredients
sun and moon is gradually separating instead
    of being jointly focused on us like a laser beam. The wax-
    ing phase of the moon is an excellent and much preferred
    time to work magic toward positive, growth-oriented
    goals such as increasing abundance, finding love, gaining
    luck; indeed, gaining anything. If you are looking to “in-
    crease” and/or “gain” then, the waxing moon is the right
    time to use magic toward your goal. It is the active spring/
    summer-like time of the lunar cycle.
    The moon is full when it is on the opposite side of the
    earth from the sun. It (the side we see) is fully engulfed in sunlight and appears to our eye to be complete in its
    roundness. This time in the lunar cycle is very powerful
    and can be difficult if you do not proceed with caution
    in your endeavors; both magical and mundane. The rea-
    son being is that gravity from the moon is pulling us in
    one direction and the sun is pulling us in the opposite
    direction; so to speak. You may know that the word ‘lu-
    nacy’ is a term originally used to denote the weirdness
    that may come over some people at this time and indeed,
    some people do act rather loony for the three days of the
    full moon. It can also be a difficult time for people who
    suffer from migraine headaches as these tend to be worse
    during the full moon time for many sufferers. I would
    venture to guess that is due to the gravitational pull from both the sun and moon acting on us from opposite di-50 Chapter 3
    rections. That being said, when we are in the middle of
    the alignment of earth, moon and sun, we are opened up
    psychically to a much greater degree of magical energy
    and spiritual awareness. If we seek to utilize our access
    to this “magical boost” we can work very powerful magic
    during this phase. During the full moon, it is best to work magic toward psychic awareness, Goddess worship and
    understanding, physical and spiritual protection, divina-
    tion, and anything having to do with the “infinity of so-
    lution” i.e. if you are embroiled in conflict and need to
    find a way to make everyone happy (release all expecta-
    tion of what you want to happen beforehand though to
    avoid unfair manipulation). This time in the lunar cycle is delicate AND powerful and should not be taken lightly;
    it should be respected and, if used, be used only for im-
    portant goals. That helps take away any possibility of lu-
    nacy … thank goodness!
    The “waning” moon is after the full moon on through
    back to the new moon when the moon appears to be mov-
    ing toward the sun and the moon is decreasing in light.
    At this time, our bodies are readjusting from the gravita-
    tional force of the full moon and preparing for the gravitational focus and new beginning of the new moon. During
    the waning moon our bodies and minds are in “release”
    mode so; it is best to work magic to release, remove, and
    rid oneself of anything harmful or unnecessary. It is an
    ideal time for banishing, healings (in the form of casting out illness as opposed to building strength), curse (actual

    Magical Ethics 51
    or perceived) removal, and deep spiritual grounding and
    centering. It is also a good time for introspection, reflection and meditation; any task involving turning inward.
    This can be a dangerous time since we are a bit more open
    and vulnerable to the energies around us. This is the time in the lunar cycle that some foolishly work dark magic
    against others regardless of consequence. Since we are of
    a magical mindset and therefore, more open than most
    people; I would suggest the wearing of protective amulets
    at this time to ensure that others’ negativity does not find its way to you. Also, I would like to add a warning that
    when working magic to rid oneself of obstacles or block-
    ages; be specific. If you are too general and cast a spell to remove all your obstacles, things may leave your life that you would rather keep (jobs, friends, a spouse, etc.) and
    while these

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