Summer Sin (The Anthology Novella Series Book 2)

Read Summer Sin (The Anthology Novella Series Book 2) for Free Online

Book: Read Summer Sin (The Anthology Novella Series Book 2) for Free Online
Authors: Darlene Kuncytes
loving crap out of Malcom when this whole fiasco was finally over and done with.
    “Ex…military,” he murmured, the words sticking in his throat just a bit for some reason. She didn’t need to know that he had been a hunter with the same Special Forces team that she now worked with, but the fact that he was keeping it from her left a bad taste in his mouth that he definitely wasn’t used to. “And you?” he quirked his brow at her and saw her cheeks heat.
    “I…I’m a hunter,” she answered quietly, almost apologetically, as if she were ashamed of it.
    “Really?” he replied, feigning surprise, “how very admirable.” He noticed an instant sadness come to her eyes that completely threw him for a loop with the tugging to his heart that it caused. “Don’t you enjoy it?” he husked curiously, leaning forward a bit, his gaze not leaving hers for a moment.
    “It’s all I know anymore, really,” she answered honestly.
    He could see her push that sadness away and damned if he didn’t want to take her in his arms and comfort her.

    Victoria didn’t know just why in the hell she was telling him all of this…but she was. It seemed so easy and natural. She took another sip of her drink and breathed a small sigh of relief when the waiter came over to take their orders. She held back the urge to order one of everything on the menu and decided to go for a seafood and rice dish that sounded just a little bit like heaven.
    The rest of the evening passed much too quickly and before Victoria knew it, they were pulling up to her house and he was helping her from the car.
    Cam walked her to her door, his hand at the small of her back as his fingers spread out deliciously with a feather light touch. They stood there quietly like two uncomfortable teenagers, just staring at each other.
    “Well…thank you for dinner,” she said after a very long, somewhat awkward silence as the two of them seemed to size the other up. “It was amazing.”
    Cam leaned forward, bringing his mouth dangerously close to hers. “I’m glad you enjoyed it.”
    Victoria fidgeted slightly, although she didn’t back away from him. She stood firm; she wasn’t about to let him get to her – no matter how intimidating he could be.
    “Why don’t you ever laugh?” he asked suddenly, and a startled gasp passed her lips as her mouth dropped open in stunned surprise. Just where in the hell had that come from?
    Victoria stared at him a moment in shock and just the tiniest hint of anger. How dare he judge her! He didn’t know her! He had spent a few hours with her and now he thought that he knew all about who she was?
    Okay, she silently conceded, maybe she didn’t have his easy, laid back sense of humor…but she laughed. Didn’t she? She tried to think back to a time when she had…and came up at a complete loss.
    “I laugh,” she finally bit out defensively, her green eyes darkening slightly.
    “No, you don’t,” Cam responded evenly, leaning in just a little closer to her.
    She could feel his warm breath on her mouth, mingling with hers in slow, gentle puffs…and it was wondrous. She fought back the shiver that started to creep along the base of her spine with everything she was worth and lifted her brow in silent challenge. If he thought he was going to make her uncomfortable or rattle her, he had another think coming. She didn’t let predators intimidate her. Ever !

    Cam watched the play of emotion flit across her features with extreme interest. Damn, but the woman had guts. She just didn’t back down. Malcolm had said she was a tough one and he hadn’t been exaggerating.
    He was silent as he watched her try to stare him down, although the proximity of their bodies was making it damned hard to actually concentrate on anything else. He could feel her heat, and that damn scent of hers wrapped around him like a fricking embrace. Everything about this woman seemed to soothe him, yet caused his senses to snap and crackle with awareness

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