Trying to Score

Read Trying to Score for Free Online

Book: Read Trying to Score for Free Online
Authors: Toni Aleo
had a big wide smile on her face. She was faking it, and only he would be able to tell that.
    Lucas had known Fallon inside and out. He loved her with everything inside him and still couldn’t believe she was gone. What was she doing? Was she married? Had kids? Did she think of him? Did she still love him? So many questions that he didn’t have answers to.
    But he would soon enough.
    With a smile on his lips Lucas closed the file, and for once he was excited about the upcoming months.
    When Fallon came downstairs, Audrey sat at the kitchen table in front of her computer, typing away. She smiled up at Fallon as she passed and went to the fridge to get a glass of water. Fallon went to the table and sat down beside Audrey, waiting for her to get done before saying anything.
    “You ready to tell me why you started crying outside?” Audrey asked without missing a beat as she typed her little heart out.
    “Yeah,” Fallon answered as she ran her finger around the rim of her cup. “Aiden’s dad is in town.”
    When Fallon looked up, Audrey was looking at her with her mouth hanging open and her eyes wide.
    “Say what?”
    Fallon nodded her head. “I found out tonight at the party. He’s the new forward for the Nashville Assassins.”
    “He plays hockey?”
    “Oh my God Fallon, you’ve been struggling with putting Aiden through private school, and all the other things you do that bust your bank, and his dad is a pro hockey player?”
    “I didn’t want him in Aiden’s life, Audrey.”
    “Are you kidding me? You could at least suck him dry for his money!”
    “That’s wrong. I would much rather do it on my own than ask anything of him,” Fallon said with a sad smile.
    “Well he’s gonna be in it now. He’s gonna see you, you know he will. What are you going to say? ‘Oh hey! By the way, I have a kid, and guess what, he’s yours!’”
    Fallon shot Audrey a dirty look before looking down at her glass. “I don’t know Audrey, I’m hoping I don’t see him.”
    “Oh my God, you’re being dumb. Who is it?”
    Audrey followed hockey and loved it. Fallon knew for a fact that Audrey knew who Lucas Brooks was. She thought he was hot, which he was.
    “Um, well,” Fallon bit into her lip hard before saying in a rush, “Lucasbrooks.”
    “Whoa, whoa, whoa, WHOA! Lucas Brooks? San Jose Sharks’ Lucas Brooks?”
    Fallon couldn’t look Audrey in the eyes as she slowly nodded her head. Nothing was said for a moment as Fallon kept running her finger along the rim of her glass. If she had a hard time telling Audrey who Aidan’s dad was, how was she gonna tell Lucas, or hell, even Aiden?
    All of a sudden Audrey started laughing uncontrollably. Fallon looked up at her laughing sister, confused. What the hell was funny about this situation?
    “Not only did you date a pro hockey player, but you got knocked up by one. One of the hottest ones in the NHL. What the hell?” Audrey kept laughing as Fallon glared at her.
    “What does that mean?”
    “It means that no wonder you haven’t dated anyone since coming home from California. Once you’ve been with a hockey player, no man can live up to the size of their sticks,” she said in a fit of giggles.
    “For the love of God, is that all you think about? Sex?!”
    “Yes! I’m horny!”
    Fallon rolled her eyes as she got up, moving to the sink to wash her cup. “You’re no help,” Fallon complained as she looked out the window into the small backyard that held Aiden’s playthings. Fallon wanted a house with a yard, but she couldn’t afford it, so the condo would have to do. Once she got the plan of having the cellar in the arena going, then she would have the extra money to buy a house.
    Then she would have everything thing she wanted.
    Well, except a husband.
    “You’re gonna need to tell Aiden, Fallon.”
    “I can’t, he’ll wanna meet him.”
    “Don’t you think he should?”
    “No, I don’t ever want to see Lucas Brooks

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