Trying to Score

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Book: Read Trying to Score for Free Online
Authors: Toni Aleo
wouldn’t see Lucas.
    Fallon’s beautiful Chie Mihara black bootie heels clicked against the purple floors as she walked down the hall that would take her to the main office of Mrs. Eleanor Adler. It was still weird calling Elli that — she had always been plain ole Elli — but now she was married to the most powerful player in the NHL and was one of the most powerful women in the NHL after her uncle gave her full rein of the team. It blew Fallon’s mind how different Elli was now that she was with Shea. He brought out something great in her, and Fallon couldn’t be happier for them.
    When Fallon reached Elli’s assistant’s desk, no one was there. Fallon waited patiently but nervously, hoping Lucas didn’t walk out the office or come around the corner because she would have nowhere to run! Elli’s office was at the end of the hall. If he came down, she would have to talk to him or look like a crazy person when she screamed and ran around him. At the moment though, the latter was sounding pretty good.
    Finally the door open and out came Elli’s assistant, Janet.
    “Hey, Fallon!” Janet said brightly as she went behind the desk and sat down.
    “Well hello Ms. Janet! I have a surprise for you!” Fallon gushed, causing Janet’s smile to become brighter.
    “Ooh! I love presents!”
    Fallon smiled as she placed the bottle of vintage Big Orange Cabernet Sauvignon on the desk. She knew Janet wouldn’t be excited about the wine but when she opened the envelope that was attached she was gonna freak.
    “Oh yay, wine,” she said with a fake smile, causing Fallon to laugh out loud.
    “Oh hush, that’s a vintage bottle thank you, but the envelope is the real present.”
    Janet must have not seen the envelope because when her eyes set on it, she tore it off, ripping it open before she started jumping around like a crazy person. “CLUB SEATS!” she screamed as she jumped up and down.
    “Yup, my season tickets for next year, all yours.”
    Janet looked up at her, and Fallon swore she had tears in her eyes. Janet was the biggest University of Tennessee football fan that Fallon knew aside from her granddaddy and dad, so when her dad gave her the tickets for next season, Fallon knew who to give them to.
    Fallon hated football, especially UT football. It was something about the color that just messed with her head.
    “You’re the best.”
    “I know,” Fallon said with a grin, “Maybe you’ll start drinking wine?”
    “No, but Elli will love this for when she has the baby, thanks for my gift to her,” Janet laughed. Fallon joined in as Janet called into Elli’s office. “Mrs. Adler, Ms. Parker is here.”
    Fallon watched as Janet nodded and then hung up. “Go on in.”
    “Thanks Janet, enjoy!”
    “Oh I will! Thanks so much again!”
    “No problem, babe!” Fallon gushed as she walked over to Elli’s door and threw it open. Elli stood beside her desk in a pair of wool shorts with a cute black blouse. Topping the outfit off was some thigh high suede boots that if Fallon could wear she would take. Like always, Mrs. Adler was dressed to impress.
    “Hey Fallon!”
    “Hello Mrs. Adler, looking amazing as always,” Fallon said with a jealous look, causing Elli to laugh.
    “Please, you’re the hot one!”
    Fallon looked down at her light blue wool dress that had a large black belt under her breast. She was looking pretty good, but while she was wearing Ralph Lauren, Elli was rocking Gucci, probably. Oh what Fallon would do for her Gucci days back.
    “I am looking good today,” Fallon joked as she laid everything she brought with her on Elli’s desk while Elli giggled. “So I know your husband is a wino, so I brought him a bottle of our vintage Big Orange, and a couple bottles of our Moscoto. Also I brought the packets for all the players and staff that have all the tickets and other cool things in ‘em. Make sure you get everyone to go please.”
    “It will be mandatory, don’t worry, and Shea will love

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