Memories of Magic (The High Priestess Trilogy)

Read Memories of Magic (The High Priestess Trilogy) for Free Online

Book: Read Memories of Magic (The High Priestess Trilogy) for Free Online
Authors: Paige Stone
inexplicably filled with renewed hope. “Be prepared,” she warned.
    Jake made the next energy ball just slightly bigger and pushed it towards her. God she’s beautiful , he thought to himself as he watched her concentrate.
    She stood completely still, her eyes narrowed slightly as she focused on him. He watched as she tried to feel the energy ball, to anticipate its arrival, but instead it knocked her off balance landing her butt in the sand.
    “Now I know why the sand is here! It’s a nice soft landing.” She pushed herself up from the ground. “Okay, let’s try again.”
    Determination ran through her veins. There was something about being tossed around by an invisible ball of energy that annoyed her. Or perhaps it was falling down in front of Jake. Somewhere deep inside was a desire to impress him. There were other things she wanted to do to him, but she couldn’t afford to think about that right now. She would ponder those thoughts over later; when she was alone.
    “Are you alright?” Jake asked, although he knew she would be fine, physically at least. The energy ball was small, too small to do any real damage.
    Emily just waved her hand for him to go ahead. She planted her feet firmly in the sand, set to do battle with the invisible ball once again.
    “Wait, I’ve got an idea.” Jake put his hands up and walked across the room to her. “I think you should take off your shoes.” He smiled at the memory of Emily walking barefoot in the sand and hoped the same sensation might help jog something inside her.
    She smiled at him and nodded her head. “Okay.” Emily slowly started taking off her shoes but never once broke eye contact with Jake.
    He saw something flash behind Emily’s eyes that made his blood run hot. It wasn’t just her shoes he wanted her to remove. His smile turned serious as his mind filled with images he couldn’t afford to think of at the moment. He shook his head in an effort to remove the thoughts he knew he needed to keep to himself. For now.
    “You need to connect with the sand, draw strength from the earth beneath you. Does that make sense?” He braved another step then leaned in closer, studying her carefully, watching her eyes for even the faintest hint of recognition.
    Emily tingled at his nearness. She had an insane urge to reach out and touch him. With only the top button of his shirt undone, just a hint of skin peeked out from behind his collared shirt. She had to force herself not to reach out and touch the next button.
    His sleeves were rolled up, like he’d been working hard building something. His hands looked strong and calloused and she wanted nothing more than to lace his fingers through her own. Instead she broke eye contact and tried to focus on completing the simple task of removing her shoes and socks.
    She was grateful when he walked to the other side of the room. She buried her toes in the sand. It felt amazing. There was something oddly familiar and very enticing about the sand between her toes.
    “Okay, let’s go again!” More determined than ever, she fiercely positioned her feet in the grainy earth beneath her. With her knees slightly bent, Emily focused entirely on the ball of energy she knew was headed in her direction.
    While concentrating intently, a sudden and thrilling burst of power rushed through her. Intuitively Emily clapped her hands together then swiftly pushed her right arm out straight in front of her. She not only blocked the ball of energy but sent it shooting right back at the doctor.
    “Outstanding!” Jake was obscenely pleased with Emily’s determination.
    “Did you see that?” She nearly screamed with excitement. “How did you know I would be able to do that?” She was curious to understand what Jake saw in her that others had not, especially after her own family’s attempts had all proven unsuccessful.
    “I knew you had memories just below the surface. Let’s just say it was intuition.” His smile made her insides melt as

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