Memories of Magic (The High Priestess Trilogy)

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Book: Read Memories of Magic (The High Priestess Trilogy) for Free Online
Authors: Paige Stone
you’ve made.” He really did have a full schedule the following day, but wanted to move quickly to continue Emily’s healing.
    “Sounds good.” She nodded, already looking forward to spending more time with the doctor. “You have no idea what it’s like spending nearly two weeks at my mother’s house.” She rolled her eyes to the ceiling. “I mean I love her, don’t get me wrong. But I miss my place. In fact I’m going over there this evening for the first time since the accident. I can’t wait.” She beamed.
    Emily didn’t know why she was sharing so much information with Jake. There was something very comfortable about him, something that made her want to open up. And then there was the part of her that just wanted to rip his clothes off. Later. Maybe. Hopefully.
    He handed Emily his card, but was careful not to actually touch her. “So can you make it back here tomorrow afternoon?”
    He was hoping that between Lochlan and the others they would have any loose ends wrapped up by the end of tomorrow. He couldn’t believe those two rogue witches still eluded them.
    “Tomorrow afternoon it is. I’ll book an appointment with Nancy.” Emily’s heart did a little jump in her chest when she brushed against his arm as she picked up her shoes.
    “I’m already looking forward to tomorrow.” She quickly turned away from Jake and made her way out of the room and down the hall towards Nancy’s desk. She couldn’t believe how different she already felt.
    She smiled. Tomorrow was suddenly filled with possibility.

    Fear had the tiny hairs on the back of her neck standing on end as she pushed open the front door of her small townhouse. A cool energy swept through her, erasing her eager thoughts of working with Jake.
    The dagger was visible as soon as she opened the door. It was embedded in the wall, right at eye level in her entrance. There was no way to miss the punctured note that hung on the wall like the threat it was. Someone was obviously trying to scare her and unfortunately it was working.
    Emily took one more step inside so she could read the note.
    Warn Isisa about what? A shiver ran up her spine as she slammed the door closed. Anger swallowed the last of her fear as Emily grabbed the dagger’s handle and pulled it from the wall. She crumpled the note and ground it into her pocket.
    She was tired of having no memory, tired of trying to piece together her life as though it were some kind of jigsaw puzzle! She had managed to put some pieces together with her mom’s help... but what would I have to warn my aunt about?
    Emily stared at the hole left behind in her wall and tried once again to pull something, anything , about the accident or the convention from the depths of her mind.
    Nothing. Flooded with disappointment, she shook her head and reached in her pocket for Jake’s card.  When her fingers touched the balled up note she became overwhelmed with frustration. Now more than ever Emily knew she needed to remember the events leading up to the accident. And she knew Jake was the only person who could help her. She’d call her mom later, right now she’d only be hysterical.
    Why is this happening? She cried silently to herself as she punched Jake’s number into her phone.  Why?
    Jake answered almost immediately. “Hey there, it’s Emily.” She tried to sound casual but her voice sounded shaky even to her. “I was going to call my mom, but, um, someone has been at my place...they, uh, left me a note...”
    He cut her off; he didn’t even let her finish the sentence. “Come back to my office immediately.” It stopped just short of a command, but Emily didn’t even bother to argue.
    “Okay.” She hung up, spun on her heel and almost ran out the door.
    The drive to his office was faster this time because she knew exactly how to get there. Jake was waiting for her at the front door.
    “Come in. Quickly.” He locked the door

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