Out of My Element
and yelled at his
teammate to pass the ball back to him. “Go Nick!” I screamed as he pulled his
right leg back and sent the ball directly into the net.
    I jumped up and down, clapping and
laughing, while I watched Nick run across the field with his hands in the air
where he and his teammates hugged and celebrated their win.
    “It looks like you’re getting a
free dinner,” I giggled when Nick spun around with a huge grin.
    “You came!” He pulled me into his
arms and spun me around.
    “I told you I would.” I couldn’t
help but smile. His excitement was contagious. “That really was awesome to
watch, Nick.” God, his arms felt incredible around me, and his sweaty smell was
intoxicating—all man.
    “Thanks.” He backed away from me
slightly, but didn’t take his hands off my waist.
    “Hey, Nick, are you going to
introduce us?” Two of Nick’s teammates walked up behind him.
    “Hey guys, this is my friend,
Chelsea. Chelsea, this is Adam and Mark.” They both shook my hand, but Adam’s
lingered a little longer than normal. He was very attractive, with blond hair
and blue eyes, tanned skin and a muscular body. He was slightly shorter than
Nick and his hair was longer and hung a bit over his eyes.
    “It’s nice to meet you,” he said.
“Hopefully I’ll see you around.” He grinned before turning and walking toward
the locker room.
    Nick squeezed my side before
letting me go. “I’m going to grab a quick shower. I’ll meet you at your car in
ten minutes, okay?” He didn’t wait for an answer before turning and running
after the guys.

Chapter 8
    “So, what’s the deal with Chelsea,
Nick? She’s fucking hot, man.” Adam dried his hair with his towel and waited
for me to answer.
    Adam was a fun guy, and I liked
hanging out with him, but I didn’t think he was right for Chelsea. She deserved
a guy who was devoted one hundred percent to her, not someone who just wanted
her because she was a hot piece of ass.
    “Are you sleeping with her?” Adam
waggled his eyebrows.
    “She is my friend, just like I said
before,” I warned.
    “So, you wouldn’t mind if I asked
her out then?” Adam asked.
    Yes, you asshole, I would! “Uh, no. I don’t have a say over who she dates.” I pulled on my shoes. I just
wanted to get out of there before I did something I would regret. I didn’t like
talking about Chelsea with these guys, any more than I liked the thought of one
of them going out with her. It wasn’t that I wanted her for myself; I just
didn’t want to see her get hurt.
    “I’ll see you guys. Great game!” I
grabbed my things and headed for the parking lot.
    The evening was a bit brisk. I
zipped up my jacket and rounded the corner. Chelsea was leaning against her car
smiling at me, and I couldn’t help but grin back at her as I approached. I
hadn’t seen her when the game first started, so I wasn’t sure if she was going
to make it or not, but as excited as I was about scoring the final goal, when I
realized she had come after all, I was ecstatic! It was incredible to have
someone cheering loudly for me.
    We pulled into a small pizza place
and parked. “Pizza?” 
    “Is that okay?” she questioned.
    “Well, I just figured after my
impressive win, you would want to take me out for a five-star meal,” I joked.
    She laughed. “Come on, Superstar,
I’ll even buy you a beer, too.” She climbed out of the car, and I followed.
    I watched Chelsea as she sunk her
teeth into another piece of pizza. She was quickly becoming a special friend to
me, although I didn’t recall ever having a female friend before. Most women
took any attention I gave them as a come on. Well, who was I kidding? It almost
was always a come on, but I had never really taken an interest in just being
around a woman without sleeping with them before. Chelsea was different. She
was special—too good for me.
    My phone buzzed in my pocket. I
pulled it out and read the incoming text. “Hmm.” I

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