Burial of hearts the black widow's malice

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Book: Read Burial of hearts the black widow's malice for Free Online
Authors: N Parnham
base formed from a
strong wood; laid atop were cushions and a quilt to bathe me in comfort as I
slept. The floor was far from exhausted, it appeared as if newly placed just
for me; not for long I thought, remembering the comments of Doris.
    “ Thank you ”. I said in
    “You are more than welcome, if
there is anything you need, let me know. Dinner is an hour after sunset,
make yourself at home and speak to my people”.
    I emptied my sack, placing the
items I had brought on the shelving, next to my bed; my silver dagger taking
pride of place.
    “ Squawk , pretty dagger”.
    Startled I looked up at the
rokson bird in disbelief, did it actually just speak to me? Could today get any
more unusual than it already was?
    “ Squawk , pretty dagger”.
    My jaw dropped as the bird,
again, spoke to me.
    “ Squawk , why the long
face, I can talk, squawk ”.
    “What? How? ”.
    “Avis, Avis pretty name”.
    Staring at the bird for a good
thirty seconds, I shook my head; perhaps wolves can meow as well.
    “So… you can talk… what is your
name? ”.
    “ Squawk , my name is
Freddy-Fred-Freddy, but you can call me mike”.
    “Ok… what is your real name mike? ”. My face squinting in disapproval.
    “So it is mark , not mike? ”.
    “ Squawk , squawk , do not mark mike”. The bird flew around the room, making a mammoth racket
as it did so.
    “Excuse me”. A small voice said.
    Looking behind the door I saw
Zinmbe, with a slight look of concern upon her face.
    “I am sorry to disturb upon your
new dilemma, I heard the swirling of many a noise. I see you have met your
rokson bird, Bibi”.
    “So that… is the bird’s name
then”. I said relieved to finally discover it.
    “Yes, he is quite the joker to
new folks, but as he becomes accustomed he relaxes down to a kind, gentle
    “Well, I do hope he calms down soon ”.
Diving down, as Bibi flew past, seemingly trying to take out one of my eyes.
    “Bibi, End ”. Zinmbe said
whilst raising her hand up, as if a commanding spell had been given.
    Bibi gently flew back down onto
the perch then closed his eyes.
    “Thank you Zinmbe”.
    “You are upmost welcome. Avis,
would it be unkind if I could make a suggestion? Would you join me in my
dwelling? I feel there is much I can teach you; perhaps you can get some quiet
now Bibi is lulled”.
    “ Yes , I would like that; I
have quite a journey ahead of me and could do with all the help I can get”.
    “That you could”. Zinmbe said
whilst lowering her head, turning towards the door to exit.
    Following Zinmbe, I was expecting
to just go into another standard dwelling, but hers was slightly outside of the
village and to my surprise it was not upon the ground; it was built within a
large oak tree, in fact a huge oak tree, towering above all the others, like a
giant’s play-toy. A staircase had been carved, twisting itself around the tree.
Each step I took gave a similar creek to that of the hallway of the inn at
Malkaretz. Winding my way around the tree at least ten times, we reached the
top; her dwelling was positioned cosily between a large gap in the branches. On the balcony was a selection of herbs and spices in broken,
worn down pots. A small black mixing dish was in the corner of the balcony,
hanging from a strong branch above.
    Welcoming me into her home, I
gazed around, scrutinizing any imperfection, but they remained only silent
thoughts, held for myself.
    As with Jonules dwelling there
was a selection of cushions and quilts to sit upon, but also she had a large
case of books; old looking, mystical and fraying slowly at the edges. Bags of
ground herbs and spices were spread out across one of the tables, as well as a
cursed book on alchemy.
    An intriguing symbol was upon the
floor, drawn with a white dye of sorts, smeared in whichever way direction; the
symbol itself portrayed shapes that seemed to be born out of folly.
    Next to the bookcase was a group
of large jars, with labels affront;

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