Burial of hearts the black widow's malice

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Book: Read Burial of hearts the black widow's malice for Free Online
Authors: N Parnham
murky looking water filled them, whilst
small objects floated around.
    “Sit yourself over here if you
could? ”. Zinmbe said whilst pointing towards the
symbol on the floor.
    Placing myself down
strategically, as not to rub any of the symbolic markings, I was offered a warm
cup of wormwill tea; the sound of which of course… filled me with
delicious thoughts.
    “Do not distress, the name does
not embody the taste”. Zinmbe said almost as if hearing my thoughts.
    Taking a sip of the tea, it was
warming, it had a strong taste of orange with an earthy undertone.
    “It will help to relax you”.
    And that it did. No sooner than
had I took a few more mouthfuls than my body had started casually slowing down,
my mind at rest and my muscles loosening.
    “What a wholesome drink, you
should trade this, you could make a fine bit of coin”. I said as my
usually strong voice began to reduce into a soothed, slumber like manner.
    “Avis, I know where you are going
and why. I have seen, I have heard; you need to be prepared, the journey will
test you greatly”.
    “How? Why? ”. I said in a confused manner.
    “Alexander was taken from you by
the spirits of the otherworld; he, as you, will be tested to see if you are apt
to wield the power of the amulets. You shall at first, as you are aware,
challenge the might of ‘Hecate’. She is strong and has existed beyond time, she
is the guardian of the first amulet, a warrior yet was also once a loving
    “But in what way will I defeat someone
of such power? I do not hold the skills she does, I barely even
understand the words in these ancient books of magick”.
    “ I will show you the route
and it is up to you to learn from it”.
    Zinmbe stood up and walked over
to the bookshelf. Her finger ran across many books, leaving an almost clean
trail, surrounded by dust, until she came to the book she was looking for;
firmly grasping it, she placed it within my hands.
    Beholding it, a painting of a
woman was upon the front; she was as three but one, holding a torch, a key, a
dagger and serpents.
    “Do you see the key she holds in
her grasp? That is what you need to obtain in order to reveal the amulet of
Hecate”. Zinmbe said whilst pointing directly at the key on the book’s
    Opening the book, the pages were
made from an animal’s hide. It defined many facts about Hecate; her powers, the
history of her legacy, her influences in society, including the kings of old
and new, among other detailed descriptions. The book seemed to warm in my
hands, to the point of where I had no choice other than to drop it suddenly.
    “Even here, she holds the power
to harvest what she may, but you must learn through practice”. Zinmbe said
whilst posturing herself more comfortably.
    “I must bring safety among us, to
prevent unwanted evil(s) coming forth”.
    Her arms outreached, Zinmbe
recited the following words:
    ‘ Uklay san heuson
vareno’ .
    Strong winds began to blast
around the room, like an unbreakable storm, it held firm in destructive ways;
at this point it seemed that this was quite peculiar, as the door was firmly
    As she recited, darkened vapours
drew in from above, revolving slowly around the ceiling. A strong presence of
light came from the vapours, down onto the symbol drawn out upon the floor.
Each of the symbol’s elements lit up one by one, until all of them were
emanating light.
    Lowering her arms, Zinmbe turned
to me.
    “For now you are protected from
harm, but you will have to learn how to help protect yourself, this symbol you
will learn is always within you, fixed within since your birth”.
    Nodding I stared at her in
disbelief, my eyes uncontrollably glancing around the room, searching for a
crumb of normality. If I were sceptical before, I certainly was no more, after
this dreamlike spectacle.
     “Remember those words Avis,
they will bid you well”.
    “How can I recall that symbol
though, it is too complex, I do not have the greatest

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