Summer Sin (The Anthology Novella Series Book 2)

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Book: Read Summer Sin (The Anthology Novella Series Book 2) for Free Online
Authors: Darlene Kuncytes
at the same time.
    “I laugh when I find something funny,” she countered softly, her eyes darting quickly to his mouth then back up again only to meet his gaze with a stubbornness that he really had to admire.  “You’re just not as funny as you happen to think you are.”
    Cam bit back a grin as he realized that he just couldn’t fight it any longer. He didn’t have it in him. God knew he tried.
    He closed the small distance between them and lowered his mouth that fraction of an inch that was needed, his lips taking hers as he pulled her up against him…and it was as if he had been hit by a thunderbolt. As if the Heavens had opened up and were shining down on them in wondrous splendor.
    She melted into his firm frame as if she had been made to be there, her soft, sensuous mouth opening up that little bit that he so desperately needed to allow him entrance.
    His tongue slid and swirled against hers, reveling in the sensation and taste of this woman. She felt so damned right in his arms. Warm, soft, sensual…not to mention that she tasted just a bit like heaven itself.
    He heard her soft moan and responded with one of his own from deep down in the recesses of his chest, his body aching to feel her skin against his as his body trembled and reacted to hers. They strained against the other as their tongues chased and teased and it was beyond words.
    When he felt her hands lift timidly and wrap themselves around his neck, he knew that he had to stop now…or he wouldn’t be able to stop at all. He was sent here to protect her and nothing else he forcibly reminded himself. And no matter how much it pained him to do so, he needed to stop. He couldn’t do this!
    He reluctantly pulled back and rested his forehead against hers, sighing deeply as his body damned him to the firey pits of Hell for this ultimate betrayal. Just what in God’s name had he been thinking kissing her?
    He moved away from her a bit further and cupped her face in his hands, his gaze focused on her incredible mouth—her lips wet and swollen from their kiss, and he sighed once again as if in pain. But, Christ…wasn’t he? He pressed his lips gently to her forehead, letting them linger there for just a fraction of a second longer then he probably should have.
    “Good night, Victoria,” he rasped out, his body hating him more with each passing second. “Thank you for agreeing to have dinner with me.” With that, he forced his reluctant feet to move and headed for his car…and an extremely cold shower.  He was as hard as granite!

    Victoria stepped numbly through the door and quietly closed it behind her, falling back against it with a shaky rush of breath.
    Oh, my good God ! What in the hell was all that? What on God’s green Earth did she think she was doing? She should have knocked him on his ass when he had kissed her like that!
    She unconsciously ran her fingers across her lips and cursed herself when that electric tingle slammed through her once again. She was damned pathetic. That’s all there was to it. Pathetic.
    Suddenly, Victoria’s entire body stiffened and her mouth tensed…something wasn’t right! She glanced around the room and saw nothing amiss, but she was suddenly overwhelmed with a very bad feeling. She felt that vibration in her toes that she did on a hunt when her prey was close. The house felt different somehow. Almost as if someone had been here. She walked further into the room, sniffing at the air and letting her senses take over. Nothing.
    She dashed up the stairs and quickly checked the remainder of the house, but once again, everything was as she had left it and the silence was suddenly deafening.
    She plopped down on her bed and covered her eyes with her arm. That damned man must have just messed with her head, she reasoned darkly. She ignored the fluttering in her belly as she remembered his hot mouth on hers. Shit-fire, but that man could kiss.

    Cam parked the car and got out, his body still on fire. Jesus,

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