returned to the place of the crime. If he planned on killing Santa, he might go back to that park. Or, he might kill Santa somewhere else. But where? The park with the sleigh was all she had to go on. "Can you also text me the full address of the place of the crime?"
"You think the killer will return there with your friend, Santa?"
"The killer chose to kill in a public place and from what Santa told me, his dad's name was also Santa Claus. So this killer chose to kill Santa by the sleigh. It's kind of poetic, like a crazy man's hate for Christmas. I think maybe that place has some sentimental meaning to it and he might return there." She sighed. "Besides, I have absolutely nothing else to go on."
"I'll text you the address."
"Thank you." Noelle was about to hang up when Mike spoke again.
"Stay safe."
"Thanks. I will."
"And tell Wendy if she’s ever in town and looking for a hot fuck, I'm her man."
She smiled. "Goodnight, Mike. Merry Christmas." She hung up.
Noelle quickly ran around the room making sure she had everything with her. One last pass and she threw the box of condoms into her purse and the now cold cup of coffee into her hand as she dashed out of the hotel room, checked out, and climbed into her car.
Chapter Four
She read the text and pulled out her GPS from the glove box, typing in the location so she knew where exactly to go. After she opened the email with the picture, a cold chill raced down her spine.
It was the man from the gas station.
He was the killer. He had seen Santa there.
She had to hurry to save Santa Claus! Noelle jumped on the expressway and sped way above the legal limit. Luckily, because it was a holiday, the streets were empty, but the snow made the driving conditions less than perfect. Fresh snow covered the ground and her car skidded on a small patch of ice. Once she gained control over it again, she kept going.
Several hours had passed and it was already late into the night when her GPS announced she would reach her destination in less than a mile. The coffee cup was already drained and she craved the minty power juice. This was a great time for a caffeine buzz but she had no time to stop anywhere for coffee.
Upon reaching the half-mile point, Noelle killed her headlights and inched closer, not wanting to be seen by the killer in case he was there. Once she rounded the corner, the whole street and the park was lit up like a Christmas tree.
Red, white, and blue lights swirled around in circles as officers rushed around. She parked behind a Crown Point police car and climbed out. The cold wind blew harsh around her as she walked closer to the commotion.
One officer came toward her and put his hands out in a 'Stop' gesture. "This is a crime scene, Miss. No trespassing."
A chill ran down her spine. Did a crime happen there already? Why else would the cops be there? Was Santa okay? Was he hurt? Was he even alive? Her heart squeezed and tears almost sprung to her eyes but she forced them away as she dug in her purse and pulled out her badge. "I'm an officer with Memphis PD." She showed him the badge.
He shined a flashlight on it before taking her arm and turning her back toward her car. "You are out of your jurisdiction. I suggest you stay out of the way."
"But…" She pleaded with her eyes as everything inside her quivered with fear and uncertainty. "I have reason to believe a friend of mine is here." Damn, she spoke like a cop and not like a civilian. Clearing her throat, she addressed him differently. "Please. I'm Santa Claus Jr.'s friend. Was he here? Is he okay?" She spotted an ambulance by the playground and her heart dropped to her heels. Please, don't let Santa be hurt. Or worse.
"I'm not at liberty to discuss these things with you." The officer turned to walk away.
She grabbed his arm and he turned to face her again. "I'm not asking for a press statement, nor am I asking to be part of this investigation. I'm asking you as a person, not