rifle fire coming from inside the building. The Nightmen were losing.
“We’ve got to fall back,” Scott said, stepping backward then turning to run. Becan and William were right there with him. “Ess, status?”
There were several bursts of static before the scout answered, “We can’t make it up the ladder to get to the roof—one of the Falcons is too seriously injured. We’ve got to exit through the back door into the alleys.”
The alleys? Wasn’t that where Rashid and company were trying to hold off an EDEN advance? “Faraj, you get that?”
“Da, captain,” the fulcrum answered. “We are holding this position. It will not be a problem.”
Scott blew out a breath in relief. Antipov had left nothing to chance in sending Scott an extraction team that was truly elite. “Jay, get down and rendezvous with them.”
“Sir, I think I can do more from up—”
“We don’t have time for you to do more!” Scott said. “Get down or you’re staying behind!”
Sliding against the corner of the safe house’s back door, Esther leaned around and fired a shot into the cluster of EDEN operatives farther down the alley. Just outside the door and out of her view, Rashid, Rodion, and Feliks continued to suppress. Moments later, the rest of her party appeared behind her.
The team was sandwiched in. Ahead of them was the back alley. Behind them, EDEN was moving in on the slayers at the front of the building, forcing all of the Nightmen inside into a full tactical retreat. Her brown eyes searching the halls for Jayden, she called to the Texan through the comm. “Jay, where the hell are you?”
“I’m comin’! Don’t wait up for me.”
“As if I’m not going to wait up for you!”
New bursts of gunfire emerged from outside the back door and off to the right, past Rashid and his slayers. Flinching back against the wall, Esther readied herself to defend. Moments later, she saw there was no need. “We thought you guys might need a hand!” Scott said through the comm. Esther closed her eyes and exhaled.
“Press forward and push them back,” said Rashid to his slayers, who emerged from their cover to dash farther ahead to new cover in the alley. The EDEN advance was forced to a halt. Seconds later, Scott, Becan, and William appeared where the Nightmen had previously been.
Lilan’s gaze locked onto the black curves and golden, spiked collar of Scott’s armor. He was caught in momentary awe. The grizzled veteran had no words.
Scott backed up to the doorway, signaling for Esther to maneuver herself and her followers behind him. “The Pariah ’s coming down in the street behind us! Get everyone there now.”
Turning to the Falcons, Esther motioned them forward. “You heard the man— go !”
The moment Scott saw Lilan, he too fell into a brief trance. It was like looking at a ghost. “Colonel,” he said plainly.
“Remington,” Lilan replied as he signaled for Donald, Tom, and Javon—who was still carrying Catalina—to move on. “You’re a sight for sore eyes.”
“I feel like I need to explain some things!” Scott shouted over the gunfire from the Nightmen, Becan, and William.
The colonel spat out, “Son, at this moment, that’s the best lookin’ piece of armor I’ve seen in my whole life.”
“Good to hear it, sir.” As he saw Donald trot past, he punched the demolitionist on the shoulder. “Good to see you again, buddy!”
“I hear you, man!” Donald said.
Just as the last of the Falcons was running past him for the Pariah ’s pickup point, Scott caught sight of someone else: a blond-haired, helmetless slayer. He looked like a kid. “What the?” Before he could say anything further, the young man was gone, following the Falcons toward the Pariah . Scott turned to Esther and stared.
“Don’t ask,” the scout said.
I’ll just add it to the list of things I don’t know. “Go get Jay—we’re getting out of this city.”
Without needing another word, Esther dashed