were back to themselves, no sign of their gifts remained to be seen. “We’re going to go out to the abandoned subterranean shaft to field test Kylar’s new equipment, you can stay here until we get back.”
Boris shivered a little. “Forget it, I’m coming with you, this place is spooky at night,” At the time those words were uttered, none of us had realized the full implications of what Boris had said and what this night would leave us with, it was destined to be beyond our wildest imaginations.
“I was hoping you would say that,” said Kira, as she hugged and smiled at her husband.
“Okay guys, let’s do this,” Elektra started to pull on her boots and mask and we all followed her lead getting ready for the trek over to Moon Rising’s center.
Outside, the air was frigid as we walked in the direction of the abandoned subterranean shaft. Elektra looped her arm into mine. “Whatever happens, stay together. I’m going to be there for you and my sister will protect Boris,” I nodded in agreement as we walked ahead into the unknown. Could we all make it through this? Time would soon answer that question, the abandoned shaft was now right in front of us.
Despite the distraction of the stars that speckled the sky, looking like a magnificent display of diamonds spread throughout the cosmos above us, there was something ominous in the air we breathed. Maybe I was imagining it, but maybe I wasn’t, after all, our purpose here was to discover what poets and story tellers have inscribed in our minds for millennia, there is terror that awaits us, if in fact we manage to enter Hell’s gates .
Elektra had already broken her rule and moved forward to join her sister ahead of Boris and me. She leaned close to Kira and whispered something to her, at which point Kira hugged her and they entered the abandoned mine with us close behind them. What did Elektra whisper to her sister? Once inside the mine shaft we all removed our masks, protected from the wind, it no longer seemed so cold.
“Where next? I can’t wait to get this over with. The only ice I like is the kind that goes in here,” Boris handed me his flask with his ‘medicine’ inside and I gladly took a swig, then the flask made its rounds with the sisters too.
“This way,” Kira took her husband’s arm. “I know exactly where we need to go.” Following her surefooted pace we twisted and turned through one tunnel after another and descended into the depths of the shaft.
“How much further?” Boris asked. His question is answered as we step into an area that is no longer a tunnel and its cavernous dimensions are astounding to say the least. We were surrounded by walls, floors, and a ceiling of ice that had been excavated by underground machines, some of which are still exactly where they were left before being forever abandoned in this timeless gigantic ice cube we were all standing in the midst of.
“Kylar, get that damn gizmo you’ve been talking about and start doing whatever it is you have to do,” said Boris. “I don’t like it in here.”
“Hey Kira,” Elektra said. “You never told me about this place, why is it here?”
“It was abandoned after the KGB was dissolved. For a time it was used to keep their victims isolated while being interrogated, you don’t want to know what an awful place this was.”
Elektra started to wander around. “What are we looking for Kylar?”
“I guess anything out of the ordinary, something that looks like it doesn’t make sense.”
“Do you mean like this?” While staring at an area on the wall, Boris waved at us to take a look. “What is that?” He was pointing at something in a recess and it seemed to be triangular but maybe with horn like shapes emanating from its center. Elektra called out from the other side of the cavern, “I have something over here too!”
“So do I,” Kira was also pointing at another recess in the wall. “I never noticed this before.”
Elektra called out
Suzanne Steele, Stormy Dawn Weathers