Urban Renewal (Urban Elite Book 1)

Read Urban Renewal (Urban Elite Book 1) for Free Online

Book: Read Urban Renewal (Urban Elite Book 1) for Free Online
Authors: Suzanne Steele, Stormy Dawn Weathers
It’s just going to take a little more time to make sure others know to take me seriously. So good of you to help.”
    Her eyes narrow at me, a faint frown the only indication that she’s catching some of what I’m saying. “It’s such a shame we won’t have more time together. I would so enjoy breaking the spirit I see shining in your eyes. As it is,” I say on a sigh, “I’ll have to do it the old-fashioned way.”
    I waste no time plunging the knife into the China doll’s chest. My pleasure comes from knowing just where to make my mark, depending on how fast or slow I want death to come. I savor a sublime jolt of adrenaline as I slowly force the knife between her third and fourth rib, ultimately piercing her heart. I push the knife in slowly to give myself a few more precious seconds to savor the lightning-quick series of emotions that pass over her features: horror, panic, pain, disbelief, acceptance and, finally, the emptiness that is so beguiling. It’s a good death, I suppose, as deaths go.
    I step away and repeat the process two more times, giving each woman her moment alone with me before her eyes glaze over and the light is snuffed out.
    Then the real work begins.
    I toss the knife in the porcelain, lime-stained sink. It’s going to take something much stronger than a knife to do what I have planned. I walk over to the closet and put on a clear raincoat I use for just this purpose. I lift my welder’s shield off the shelf and put it on, pulling the plastic shield down over my face. Things are getting ready to get very messy.
    I reach down and pick up my circular saw and set it on the counter. I then pull the medical cart over that holds the rest of the tools and medical instruments I’ll need. Surgical saws in different sizes are lined up in a tidy row, ready to do my bloody, savage will. This is my game; I’m in control and I like the fact that I’m getting ready to fuck up more lives than just those of these three whores.
    Since the China doll was the first to die, she should be the first to receive my attention. I release the restraints and her lifeless form flops over into my arms like a beautiful, bloody ragdoll. I pick her up, laying her down on the stainless steel operating table. I special ordered it from a medical vendor. Other smaller items I obtained from the local hospital – it’s amazing what you can walk away with when it’s a busy night in the E.R. and you know how to blend right in. Anything can be accomplished with the right planning, even what many would deem impossible.
    I pull back, starting the saw, and once again I brace for the rush of adrenalin-charged pleasure that always comes when the blades meet flesh and bone. My hands vibrate as I take on the task of cutting through joints one by one. It’s the precision that’s called for at times like this that can be so difficult for some to achieve. It takes a master like me to get it right. Piece by piece, I’ll take these whores apart and then I can begin the next phase of my plan.
    I’m a patient man, methodical in how I approach my work. For the sequence of events to play out the way I want, patience will definitely be a virtue.

Chapter Eight
    I beam with pride as I stand at the window watching all of the activity going on. As furniture is moved in along with all the computer equipment, I’m watching my dream unfold right before my eyes. This has been years in the making. Late nights I stayed up creating a business plan, setting goals that were sensible yet ambitious. Countless property searches to find just the right place. Notes I’ve jotted down in a notebook I keep with me. All of it has been part of the plan. I’ve had to be patient, though, and hold on to hope when doubts and insecurities arose. Now it’s all paying off.
    I enter the kitchen area attached to my office. No more crappy police station coffee for me. I’ve set up a top of the line cappuccino machine, the next best thing to having my own

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