did the only thing with the crystal pyramid that I could think of. I tossed it into the middle of the circle we were spinning in and instead of falling down, the crystal suspended itself in mid-air about eight feet above the ground. In a flash of laser lights the three recessed triangles shone beams directly at the crystal above our heads and our platform began to slowly descend.
By this time the little girls were completely revealed to us, humming and walking around the cavern as we continued to turn with the spinning crystal in our center. As the laser light beams glittered above us, we were in awe of everything that was transpiring. It was getting scary, but magikal at the same time.
The icy ground directly outside of the circle that we were turning on continued to crumble away. Kira shouted to her husband, “Boris! Hurry, get over here!” She moved in his direction holding out her hand and suddenly slipped. It seemed like déjà vu to her, reminiscent of the night she lost Davina. “Boris! Help!”
The gap between our circle of ice that we were on and the rest of the cavern began to quickly widen and before either I or Elektra could act to help her, Boris grabbed Kira’s hand, pulled her back into the cavern and then attempted to jump toward us because everywhere else was eroding fast.
One quick leap and they were back within safety. Then, in a moment of awful fate, Boris’s foot landed at the very edge, he lost his balance. Pushing Kira into our outstretched arms he looked at her one final time as he fell away into the abyss, his voice fading into the distance could be heard saying, “Ya lyublyu tyebya!”
We had all tumbled into a pile in the middle of our ice circle. Elektra held her sister in her arms consoling her, the ice platform was falling and spinning with us on it and an inner voice said, “ Hold hands,” So we listened to that voice that connected the three of us, we held hands once again forming our circle of invincibility as we plunged into the unknown, into the pit. With Boris forever gone, there seemed no guarantee that we would live to return back home.
Chapter 5
The Adamantine Gates
The three of us continued to spin, still holding each others hands, but the ice platform below us was now completely melted as we finally came to the bottom of the abyss. Unsure of how we landed so softly, we were able to slowly step off our descent onto the most beautiful lush green grass imaginable. If this was Hell, then Dante had a lot of explaining to do.
While taking in the breathtaking vista before us, we tried to reconcile this with the gravity of what had just occurred, Boris’s death, this wild descent two miles below the coldest place on Earth, and our apparent luck that the three of us were still in one piece. But before any of us could acclimate to this new world, the sound of wild dogs maniacally howling in the distance jarred us out of our imagined Utopian surroundings.
Was it possible that Cerberus the three headed guardian of Hell’s gates really did exist? There was only one way to find out.
Kira was pointing at the river ahead of us. “I hear the howling coming from that direction.”
“Okay sis,” Elektra said. “Let’s do it, but I think we’ll have to get creative to cross that river.”
Walking in the direction of the howling, we were getting nervous as we passed a line of trees, something was telling me not to go any further but it was too late. Before I could say anything, a funnel of wind had knocked us all over and the funnel began wrapping us up in individual silky cocoons, we were doomed before we could even see the Gates.
Lying there, dazed from being knocked down, I managed to open my eyes and peer through the sticky web, were we about to be eaten by some gigantic monstrous spider? “My name is Sceleris, I have been expecting you.”
I heard Kira stirring, “Help!”
“Kira! Use your power to escape!” Electra called out. She had already used her power and
Steve Miller, Sharon Lee and Steve Miller