Golden Son
again,IfearI’llberecognized.PerhapssomeGoldwillsearchthroughtherecordstofindthatEo’s husband’s name was also Darrow. But even I hardly recognize that skeletal, pale boy. And as for names? There are no true records for lowRed names. I had a number designation given to me by some officious Copper administrator. L17L6363. And L17L6363 was hanged from his neck until dead,whereuponhisbodywasstolenbyanunknownperpetratorandpresumablyburiedinthedeep
    “Iworrythiswillmakemattersworse.”Letofrownstohimself.“PresentlytheSonsareanuisance, yes. But hardly our chief plight. If we do this, we could be pouring fuel on the flames. And worse, we’dbeasguiltyastheSonsthemselves.Terrorists.”
    “There is no guilt.” Pliny peers idly at a stream of data on his datapad. “Not when you’re the judge.”
    Leto isn’t satisfied. “My liege, our imperative to rule exists because we are fit to best guide mankind. We are Plato’s philosopher kings. Our cause is order. We provide stability. The Sons are anarchists.Theircauseischaos.Weshoulduse that asourweapon.NotGraysinthenight.Bombers amongchildren.”
    “Takecareintalkingdownto me , Politico,” Leto growls, scanning Pliny’s smirking face for the absentPeerlessscar.“Yourplanshouldbelessbrutal,ArchGovernor.Thatismypoint.”
    “Brutality.” Augustus lets the word hang in the air. “It is neither evil nor good. It is simply an adjectiveofathing,anactioninthiscase.Whatyoumustparseisthenatureoftheaction.Isitevilor goodtostopterroristswhobombinnocents?”
    continuetoallowthemtoexist?”Augustusfoldshislong-fingeredhands.“Butatthecore,thisisno philosophicalissue.Itisapoliticalone.TheSonsofAresarenotthethreat.Notatall.Alltheyareisa weaponforourpoliticalenemies,namelytheBellona,touseasanexcusetoclaimIcannotcontrol Mars.
    “ThecurlyhairsalreadyseektostripmeoftheGovernorship.Asyouknow,theSovereignhassole powertoremovemefromtheposition,evenwithoutavotefromtheSenate.Ifshewishes,shecan give Mars to another house—Bellona, our allies the Julii, even a nonMartian house. None of these entities would run Mars as effectively as I. And when Mars is run effectively, all benefit—low and high.Iamnotadespot.Butafathermustcufftheearsofhischildreniftheymakeanattempttoset firetohishouse;ifImustkillafewthousandforthegreatergood,forhelium-3toflow,andforthe citizensofthisplanettocontinuetoliveinaworlduntornbywar,thenIwill.
    thedeathsofathousandinnocents,andIcannothelpbutflinchasadarkhaterisesinsideme.Ibow myheadinpolitedeference.
    “Idid.Andyourpurposehereshallbebrief.YouwereagambitwhenItookyoufromtheInstitute andputyouinmyemploy.Youknowthis?”
    “Ithoughtyourmerittobesufficient,andIfoundyourrivalrywithCassiusauBellonaamusingin aschoolyardway.Butthebloodfeuddeclaredbetweenyouhasbecome”—hesparesaglanceatPliny
    —“burdensome to my interests, both economically and politically. Substantial revenues have been lost due to tariff increases to the Core, where Bellona supporters lie. Houses waver in their commitment to honoring deals made years ago at the trade table. So, as an act of reconciliation to

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