Golden Son
    “Myliege…,”Itrytointerject.Thiscannothappen.Ifhestripsmeofmyplace,nearlythreeyears ofworkwillhavebeenfornothing.“IfImay—”
    “You may not.” He opens a drawer and idly tosses a slab of meat to his lion. The lion waits for Augustus to snap his fingers before eating. “The decision was made a month ago. There is no use bandyingwordswithme.I’mnotQuicksilvernegotiatingthepriceoflithiumfutures.Pliny…”
    “Theparticularsarerathersimple,Darrow.Sotheyshallbeeasytograsp.”Plinyhasn’ttakenhis eyes from me. “The ArchGovernor has been overly kind in giving you the fair warning in case of termination,asstipulatedinyourcontract.”
    “If you’ll recall section eight, subsection C, clause four, you’re to be given six months’ fair warning unless youfailtoactinamannerbefittingalanceroftheesteemedHouseAugustus.”
    “Of all the lancers, I came in second at the Academy! You couldn’t even make it through the Institute.”
    “Oh,it’snot that !Youdidwell…enough.”
    “Oh,please.Yourelishyourowncelebrity.Eventhoughtheymockyou,youbatheinthelimelight and cloak this house with shame. We know your datapad search histories. We see you preening at yourself on the HC as though it were your personal mirror. The stories run on you and the ArchGovernor ’sdaughter—”
    “Which you likely encouraged. Did you ask her to join the Sovereign’s court? Is it part of your plantodividedaughterfromfather?”
    “And you create a tawdry name for Augustus. You brawl with Bellona in baths set aside for refreshmentandcontemplation.Thiswecannotabide.”
    Idon’tevenknowwhattosay.He’smakingitup.There’senoughinrealitytomakeacase,buthe liesjusttospitinmyeye,justtoshowthatIaminhispower.
    “Tillthen,youwillaccompanyustothesurfaceofLunaandstayintheresidenceprovidedforthe HouseAugustusfortheSummit,though,asofthismoment,youarenolongeralancerofthishouse.
    You do not represent the ArchGovernor and may not use his name to gain access to facilities nor curryfavorwithyoungladiesoryoungmen,neitherinboast,promise,orthreat.Yourhousedatapad will be confiscated. Your lancer ID codes have already been downgraded and you will cease and desistparticipationinallprojectstowhichyouwerepreviouslyassigned.”
    pets his lion. You would guess I’m not even in the room. Leto stares at the ground. Ashamed. He’s nobler than this charade, but Augustus wanted him here to watch, to learn how to amputate a rotten limb.
    “Youarenotbeingsold,Darrow.Despiteyourbirth,Iwouldhaveexpectedyoutounderstandyour place.WearenotPinksorObsidianstobesoldasslaves.Your services arebeing traded atauction,”
    “It’s the same gory thing,” I hiss. “You’re abandoning me. Whoever buys my services cannot protect me from the Bellona. Those curlyhair bastards will hunt me down and kill me. The only reasontheydidn’ttwomonthsagowasbecause—”
    youanything,Darrow.Isthatthemisapprehensionyousuffer?Infact,youowehim!Protectingyou costsusmoney.Itcostsusopportunities,contracts,trade.Andthatcosthasproventoodear.Wemust be seen to promote peace with the Bellona. The Sovereign wants peace . You? You’re a source of

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