Serena's Submission
Aaron obtained these outfits and hoped that they were not discards from previous submissive relationships. The thought depressed her so she pushed it to the back of her mind, determined not to dwell on it further. She was excited about the evening ahead and was counting down the minutes until the car arrived to pick her up.
    * * * *
    Aaron’s breath hitched when he saw Serena walk into Club Erebus. She looked absolutely stunning in the dress he had provided. She was wearing a long, red, jersey gown that hugged her curves. The split up the centre stopped just shy of her crotch allowing a tantalising glimpse of lace from the red lingerie he knew that she wore underneath. It had a plunging neckline which precluded the wearing of a bra so her pert breasts were left natural and appealingly rounded, showing off her pale cleavage and taut nipples to perfection.
    The size was perfect and he realised with relief that his innate sense of a woman’s proportions hadn’t deserted him. She had fixed her thick hair atop her head in a tumbling disarray of curls as he had instructed and had accentuated her lips with deep red lipstick, leaving her other makeup minimal and natural. She was a vision of sexy perfection and instant longing for her made his cock twitch uncomfortably.
    He heard loud muttering from the booth next to his and realised that Serena’s entrance had not gone unnoticed. He glanced over at the men in the next booth and a wave of anger swept through him at their blatant attraction and lewd comments. He knew all the members of Club Erebus and these men had a habit of skating dangerously close to the lines of consent and were particularly into the darker BDSM scene. He shuddered when he thought about what could have happened if they had come across Serena that first night instead of him.
    One of the men had risen and was making a move towards Serena. Aaron leapt out of his seat and was by the man’s side in an instant. He grabbed him by the collar and jerked the man towards him so his face was inches from his own.
    “Where do you think you’re going, Griff?” Aaron demanded.
    “Just going to greet that sexy little piece who just walked in—what’s it to you?”
    “You don’t go near her,” Aaron stated, his voice dangerously low.
    “I don’t think that’s any of your business, Aaron,” Griff responded mildly.
    “That’s where you’re wrong. She belongs to me so no one touches her.”
    Out of the corner of his eye Aaron saw Serena making her way towards them.
    “Go and sit down, baby,” he ordered her, keeping his eyes on Griff and his hand clamped around his throat.
    “That’s unlike you, Aaron. You used to be into sharing your toys,” Griff commented with a sly smile.
    “Well, I’ve decided that I don’t want to play nice, so you keep your hands off Serena. In fact I don’t even want you looking in her direction—you understand, Griff?”
    “Sure, no problems,” Griff responded with a smile.
    Aaron released him and was just about to turn around when Griff spoke again.
    “You better keep her on a short leash, man. I’m not the only one who is interested.”
    Aaron had known that interest in Serena would start, in fact he should have expected it sooner, but up until this point their presence at the club had been largely in the dungeons and the club had been relatively quiet. Tonight it was busy and the Doms were on the prowl for fresh meat.
    Serena had done as he requested and had settled herself into a private booth. “Is everything all right, Aaron?” she asked him when he joined her.
    “Everything is fine, angel. You look magnificent this evening,” he responded, taking her hand and planting a kiss on her palm.
    She blushed prettily at the compliment, making his cock surge to attention. The irony was not lost on him—he was supposed to be the dominant of the two yet she practically held him by the balls.
    “Can I ask you something?” she said, her voice apprehensive.
    “You can ask me

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