Serena's Submission
striding in their direction. Aaron’s palm flexed tightly over Serena’s breast and his other hand slipped from her shoulder to grasp the back of her neck possessively. She looked up at him in enquiry and noticed that his eyes were narrowed and tracking the man’s trajectory towards them.
    The man stopped at their booth and smiled. “How are you this evening?” he greeted them, dazzling Serena with a wide grin. “This must be the lovely Serena that I have heard so much about. Where have you been hiding this gorgeous creature, Aaron?” he asked as he reached out a hand to caress the length of Serena’s arm.
    Serena couldn’t miss the hungry look in his eyes as he dropped his gaze to her cleavage. She felt Aaron bristle beside her before he dropped his arms, wrapped his hands around her waist and hauled her over his lap until she was seated on the other side of him.
    “You would do well to keep your hands to yourself, Dominick,” Aaron warned in a low voice. “You know better than that.”
    Dominick chuckled. “So touchy, Aaron,” he admonished. “You mean I don’t get a little taste?”
    Serena gaped in astonishment as Aaron shot upright and pushed himself into the other man’s chest. “Owning this club does not give you exclusive rights to the clientele, Dominick. I know that, and you know that. Serena is mine, so no, you do not ‘get a taste’,” he snarled.
    Dominick took a step back and threw his arms up in surrender. “Okay Aaron. Calm down,” he said, grinning mischievously. “I was just asking, and I was interested as to what has Mandy so hot under the collar about your new sub. I wanted to see for myself what all the fuss was about.”
    Serena turned to follow Dominick’s gaze to where a statuesque brunette stood at the bar staring daggers in her direction.
    Aaron swore under his breath before he settled himself beside Serena in the booth once more.
    “I’ll leave you to it,” Dominick said, winking at Serena before striding away.
    “I was going to play with you here but I’ve changed my mind,” Aaron murmured in Serena’s ear as his fingers slipped back into her dress to recommence caressing her breast possessively.
    “Why have you changed your mind?” she whispered as her nipples tightened and lengthened under his ministrations. “Has it something to do with that woman, Mandy?”
    “It has nothing to do with her,” he said dismissively. “She is an unhappy ex, and I stress the word ex . It is because what I want to do with you is best done in private. I have sometimes enjoyed the exhibitionistic aspect of the Arena, but I have decided that I don’t want anyone else to enjoy you. Too many of these arseholes are showing an interest in you, and I don’t like it. I’d like to take you home to my place this evening.”
    His possessive words sent a little thrill through Serena and she thought she would much prefer some private time with him. Whilst the Arena presented an erotic and exciting atmosphere she wasn’t sure that she could relax sufficiently for whatever Aaron had in mind.
    “I’d like that. I’m afraid that I don’t yet think I am up to such public displays of intimacy,” she responded whilst wondering whether she would ever feel entirely comfortable with exposing herself so totally.
    Aaron stood and held his hand out to her. “Let’s go.”

Chapter Seven
    Aaron’s apartment was as she would expect from him—minimalistic furnishings in black and silver, functional and masculine with all the modern technological trappings that one could want. He had a fabulous view over the city and the harbour and when standing on the balcony of his twentieth-floor apartment she felt an odd sensation as if she were floating in mid-air.
    Aaron stepped up behind her. “I want to show you something,” he said.
    Serena followed him down a hallway to a closed door which he unlocked before ushering her inside. When he switched on the light Serena gasped as a private dungeon was

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