a lot about management, and I’ll make every effort to make all our lives as easy as possible, using that knowledge and with your help. I will also work very hard to make this place hum, and all I ask is that you do the same.”
There were a few nods and a few blank stares. Nothing unusual there, and at least no open hostility seemed to be evident. Yet.
“For today you’ll carry on with the schedule that’s already in place, but that’s the first thing I’m going to be dealing with. I’ve brought with me a questionnaire for each of you to fill out.”
This was met with a few groans.
“Yes, it’s a pain, but vital for any changes to work effectively. On it you’ll find the hours necessary to make this place run twenty-four seven. Please tick the time slots that you prefer. I’m not promising anything will change dramatically over the next week or so, but, where possible, I will ensure that you work the best hours for you as individuals.”
“You can’t be serious. Everyone wants school holidays off and to work around their kids,” Rose blurted. She’d turned pink again, but looked determined to argue.
“I understand that, and I hope we can work something out.”
“Most of us have children. How the heck can it work?”
Thank goodness she’d done her homework on the subject. “I believe the best way is to make a rotation so that everyone gets some school holidays off, even if it’s only a few days, but let’s cross that bridge when we get to it. I’ll try to catch up with everyone on a personal level before the end of the week. In the meantime, please drop those forms back to me before you leave today. Now, if there is nothing urgent, we’d better get to work.”
They filed out and she heard a couple of whispers and some giggles as she sat down at her desk, glad that the first meeting was out of the way. Barely a minute had passed before Jordan walked in with a smile plastered across his handsome face, and leaned against the door frame.
“That was great.”
“Were you eavesdropping?” She sat back and crossed her arms.
“I most certainly was, and maybe it was a bit rude, but I had to see for myself that they didn’t beat you into submission.”
“You never said that was likely.”
“I didn’t want to scare you away.”
“Give me some credit. I’m made of stronger stuff than that.”
“Even though I knew that, I couldn’t help being a little worried. Rose, especially, doesn’t like to be told what to do, but she’s my best worker.”
“I’ll bear that in mind.”
He sat in a chair opposite her and grinned at her. “Were you happy with the overall way it went?”
“It was predictable. No one likes change, but it’s not like you’ve all been working together for years, and most of them seemed interested in what I could bring to the table.”
“I’m pleased to hear it. There’s a couple of stubborn ones who were friendly with the last manager, but they’re all good women who will work hard with the right leadership. And I think they have it now.”
Megan could feel herself blushing. “I’d better get on and look busy before the boss catches me.”
“Me too.” He winked, and left her to her files.
In spite of the image of Jordan that had burned into her memory as he stood in the doorway, looking exceptionally handsome, and making her hot in places that weren’t appropriate for the workplace, the first file grabbed her attention immediately.
What had the old manager been thinking when she made up the roster? There were double-ups and huge blanks on nearly every day and what was worse, the roster was only filled in until this Friday. If she didn’t work this out soon, the weekend was set to be a disaster and, as Jordan had said, that was their busiest time.
Fortunately, it seemed like that was the worst thing, even though, as she glanced at some other files, it looked like there were a million other details needing her attention. She would have to sort out her
Ron Roy and John Steven Gurney