Fuck-a-duck. Stu was Kara's closest cousin. We'd done a lot of things together growing up, he's just a year older than us. He's a regular wise-guy. Although New Zealand doesn't have a Mafia, we're more into gangs. Not that Stu is a gang member, but he just has that air about him of a made man. Dresses in sleek suits with swished back, greased up hair. His skin's a little dark too, so to look at him you might think he has a hint of Italian blood in him. He doesn't, but he plays on his good looks. He's a lady's man and a quite successful sales rep for a local vodka company. He gets invited to all the swanky events SubZero sponsors. And they sponsor the best.
“Murder?” I asked, not without a little shock. “How? Who?”
Kara's big round tear-filled eyes looked up at mine. “Knife, we think. His boss. And he didn't do it.” She said the last as though challenging me otherwise.
“Of course he didn't do it, hon. Stu wouldn't hurt a lamb.” Her shoulders relaxed as soon as I defended Stu's honour. Perhaps she'd thought I wouldn't now that I was capable of killing at a drop of the hat. But, I remembered all those fun times we'd had together, the three of us. How caring and attentive Stu had been to both Kara and me. Despite me not being a relative, he had treated me exactly the same as his favourite little cousin. Protective, tolerant and kind.
Stu couldn't have done this. Could he?
“What happened exactly, Kara? What to you know?” I asked softly.
“ That's just it. The police aren't telling the family anything. They've let his lawyer see him, but Aunt Sarah isn't allowed to visit at all. They've denied him bail and are holding him at Mt Eden Prison, awaiting trial. It's crazy Gigs, they're acting like they are sure he did it. They're acting like it's a fait accompli.”
“ That is weird,” I agreed. Not that I knew a lot about the judicial system, but not allowing his mother to see him while awaiting trial did seem a bit steep. Still, maybe they did have something incriminating that couldn't be denied.
I shook my head. I just couldn't see Stu knifing someone. Especially his boss. From what I'd read in the papers, Alison Danvers was the liquor industry's golden girl. She was liked by everyone. The belle of the ball. Stu loved his job and the perks were great. I'd only ever heard him speak kindly of Alison. Nah, stabbing her was either a mistake or as I suspected, he didn't even do it.
Not that my opinion would count for anything. I'm just a bartender with a lust for blood.
“ I was hoping you'd help us.” Kara's words brought me back to the room with a jolt.
“ How the hell did you figure that?” I asked and then cringed when she sunk in on herself at my harsh words. “Sorry, hon. Still a little bitter with my lot in life.”
That made her relax and made me feel like a chump. Reminding her of my problems when she had enough of her own was low. Even for a vampire.
“The lead detective on the case is Mark Anderson. He always had a thing for you in school. I wondered if you could, you know, use your new talents to find out what they have on Stu.”
She had the decency to look terrified while she asked that. And so might she too. My talents indeed. And what the hell? Mark never batted an eyelash at me at school. Too busy with the rugby team and the ever present cheer leading squad. Of which I most certainly never was a part of. And, he was at least four years older than us. The only reason I knew him at all was because I dated his younger brother Richard for three months in year 11.
“Kara,” I said with what I hoped was kindness in my voice, “I'm not sure that's a good idea. There has to be rules about glazing the police and really, hon, Mark and I don't know each other that well. He probably wouldn't even remember me if we ran straight into each other on the street. I think your faith in my abilities is misplaced.”
Kara got that superior look on her face, the one I'd seen on her