Colter's Revenge

Read Colter's Revenge for Free Online

Book: Read Colter's Revenge for Free Online
Authors: Jan Springer
head and tying her, making sure she couldn’t run away while they did naughty things to her. Things she’d loved.
    When the second climax finally ebbed away, she sighed and shut off the vibrator. Her climaxes had barely taken the edge off.
    The only thing that would permanently get rid of this constant lust was getting that cure Cheri was toting around. And only then could she start living life like a normal woman.
    * * * * *
    Colter quietly closed the door behind him, thankfully escaping the overheated bathroom.
    Whew! If that frosted glass hadn’t been there, he would have stepped right into the shower and taken her right then and there. The sensual outline of her shadow and the erotic sounds of her mewling and moaning had just about made him lose his wellplanned control. And the sultry, desperate way she’d screamed out his name had made his legs buckle. He’d been lucky the toilet seat hadn’t been up when he’d sat down. Oh man! His revenge plan might not be as easy as he’d thought.
    * * * * *
    Ashley didn’t know how long she’d slept or what alerted her to the feeling someone was lurking around in her room. After masturbating in the shower and discovering her bodyguard and Reena hadn’t returned, she’d felt so tired from the day’s travels and the tension of getting through all those security checkpoints along the freeways that she’d drawn the drapes in her bedroom, set the alarm and promptly fallen asleep. But now as she sifted through the layers of sleep, alarm bells were ringing inside her head.
    The strong scent of man drifted beneath her nostrils, making her very aware of who he just might be. Before she could so much as open her eyes, a strong, hard hand clamped over her mouth. At the same instant, one of her wrists and then the other were quickly held captive.
    Fear crushed her and she screamed into the intruder’s hand, struggling against the tight embrace.
    “Shh, Starry Eyes. It’s just me,” Colter whispered against her ear. His face was so near she could feel the stubble of his shadow brush against her cheek. She found herself 24
    Colter’s Revenge
    remembering he had to shave twice a day because his hair grew so quickly. God! She’d forgotten that fact over the years.
    She stopped struggling. Past experience had shown her trying to escape his hot hold was useless.
    “I’m going to lift my hand off your mouth so we can talk. Don’t scream or you’ll suffer the consequences, is that clear?”
    She nodded against his hand.
    The moment her mouth was free she parted her lips in order to alert her bodyguard, but Colter was quicker.
    His hot mouth slammed over hers in one scorching motion. The brutal fierceness of his sensual attack ripped the breath clean from her lungs and shattered her control. Heated sensations rocked her. His strong, hot tongue invaded her mouth, sending erotic shivers straight through her right down to her toes. Somewhere at the back of her mind she noted an odd softness melting around her neck followed by a quick snapping noise. Before she could register what that sound could be, Colter broke the scorching kiss and pulled away. The delicate sound of something tinkling crushed her passion. Opening her eyes, Ashley cursed loudly when she discovered he’d snapped a collar around her neck. From the collar she also noted a sturdy chain that led to a nearby bedpost ring.
    “Just like old times, Starry Eyes,” Colter whispered. She felt the mattress move as he stood and glared down at her.
    There was no warm “like old times” look in his gaze. Only cold, hard anger. An anger that matched her own.
    “What the hell do you think you’re doing? You can’t get away with this.”
    He grinned cockily. “I already have.”
    “I’ll scream. Once my bodyguard hears—”
    “Scream as much as you want. Your bodyguard has been removed. The cabin is secluded. I made sure I obtained the only other cabin within shouting distance.”
    No! This wasn’t happening! He was

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