Secret Regrets (Living For Today #2)

Read Secret Regrets (Living For Today #2) for Free Online

Book: Read Secret Regrets (Living For Today #2) for Free Online
Authors: Megan C. Smith
got home, Bryant was in the back mowing the lawn, so I took the chance to hop in the shower and wash off the smoke and alcohol smell that had permeated into my skin from the club.
    “Hey, sexy,” his husky voice called across the bathroom, making me scream.
    “Oh my gosh, Bryant, you scared me!” I yelled, smacking him with my shaky hand.
    Not noticing my tremble, Bryant scooped my naked wet body up and pulled me into his sweaty shirtless body. I needed the release and wrapped my legs around his hips as he walked us both back into the hot shower spray while we passionately devoured one another.
    “So, how was the bachelorette party?” he asked between breaths.
    “Uneventful,” I nonchalantly responded, trying to resume our lustful moment.
    Apparently hearing the fib in my voice, he leaned back, pinning me down with his skeptical eyes. “You’re lying,” he deadpanned.
    I squirmed under the scrutiny grateful when he set me back to my feet, and I could put some distance between us.
    Running his gaze down my body, he suddenly tensed when his eyes honed in on a spot on my arm. He brushed his fingers gently over bruises that were very clearly fingerprints on my arm.
    Turning away and into the shower water to warm me back up, I prolonged the moment, adding to the growing tension. I wasn’t prepared to have this conversation this fast. More importantly, I was unsure what information Leslie had given him.
    “Well, some guy tried to put the moves on me, but I handled it,” I said, puffing my chest out in pride at not needing him to go all caveman for me. Feeling the air crackle with tension, I peeked back at Bryant. Apparently, Leslie had told him nothing. Lovely.
    “I don’t understand where security in the club was? I mean, this guy left bruises on your arm, Rose.”
    Bryant’s voice broke my heart with the desperation in it. “Bryant, calm down. They showed up as quickly as they could. He was just a total beefcake. I didn’t even realize I had these.” I tried to soothe him, waving a hand nonchalantly at the bruises. Wanting to escape, I turned the water off and grabbed a fluffy towel. I wrapped it around my body. I wrung my hair out and spoke again, trying to ease the tension. “Come on, love. We need to get ready for the rehearsal dinner.”
    Snatching the other towel off the rod, Bryant huffed loudly then dried himself off before briskly leaving the bathroom without a word.
    I dried my hair and applied my makeup then went into the bedroom to get dressed. The room was empty when I walked out, and I couldn’t help the sigh that escaped my lips as I pulled on my lilac-colored satin dress. I attempted to reach around for the zipper on my back when two warm firm hands gripped my waist and pulled me into Bryant’s familiar embrace, the smell of his cologne hugging me.
    Kissing the hollow of my neck, he whispered, “I’m sorry, hun.”
    I leaned back into his hands as the zipper glided up to close my dress. After turning in his arms, I looked up into his eyes as they told me more than his words ever could.
    “It’s just the idea of someone hurting you. It makes me see red. It is my job to protect you from all the evil in this world, and when you get hurt, that is me failing. It kills me.”
    Swallowing the guilt, I thought of Darren and how it would kill Bryant if he knew. Sealing my mouth shut before I spilled my guts, I forced my lips to move upward in what I was hoping looked like a smile.
    “I’m a tough cookie, Bryant. Really – you need not worry about me, “I smoothly lied, placing a quick peck on his cheek. “But if we don’t get moving soon, you and I will both have to face the wrath of Leslie, and let me tell you, it won’t be a pretty sight!”
    Letting out a loud boisterous laugh, Bryant turned. He placed his hand on the small of my back as he ushered me out to the car.
    We pulled into the wedding venue with minutes to spare, thanks to Bryant’s erratic driving. The mirror flipped down with

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