Secret Regrets (Living For Today #2)

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Book: Read Secret Regrets (Living For Today #2) for Free Online
Authors: Megan C. Smith
ease, giving me a small piece of my reflection to apply my lipstick. Once complete, I closed it back up and smacked my lips. “Ya know, dear, if you’re so worried about hurting me, maybe you should attempt to follow the laws of the road,” I teased.
    Laughing, Bryant looked back to me. “Rose dear, as long as I am behind the wheel and not you, we should be safe.”
    We laughed together as the valet opened my door and helped me out. “Low blow!” Smiling and laughing with carefree inhibitions, I weaved my arm into the crook of Bryant’s elbow, and we strolled into the venue to rehearse for next weekend’s wedding.

    M Y ALARM SOUNDED MUCH TOO SOON after not having a reason to wake up early. I fumbled with my phone, trying to make the incessant buzzer stop. “Shut up, you stupid God-awful thing!” I grumbled, finally silencing the sound. Laying my head back on the soft pillow, I heard Bryant let out a throaty laugh.
    “God, I forgot how much you despise morning time. Go hop in the shower. I’ll make coffee and breakfast for you.” Bryant kissed me swiftly before slipping out of the bed.
    I peeked out in time to watch his lean body stride out of the room in his tight briefs that hugged his ass just enough to tempt me to yank him back into bed.
    Not having much time, I showered quickly to wake myself up and then threw on a robe and trudged downstairs to get some caffeine into my body. As soon as I stepped into the kitchen, a warm ceramic mug with steaming elixir filled to the brim was held out to me.
    “Oh, thank heavens,” I said, graciously accepting the mug and inhaling the sweet aroma of the mocha-flavored coffee.
    Bryant fried up some bacon and made a veggie omelet for each of us. “So you ready for your first day?” he asked after I’d retrieved my second cup of coffee.
    “Yeah, I think so. There are no kids yet, so today is mostly meetings and prepping my classroom, if I understood right,” I answered between sips.
    Eating my last piece of bacon, I stood to rinse off my plate, thanking Bryant for breakfast before heading back upstairs to get ready for work.

    P ULLING IN TO I NGRAM Elementary parking lot, I felt all my nerves and excitement come to a head. My phone buzzed, breaking my focus on the school. I pulled it out and saw a text message that instantaneously eased me.
B: You’ll be fine! Get out of the car and go inside. Love you, always and forever.
    Pulling in a deep breath, I grabbed my box of stuff I thought I would need and headed toward my future. Before I had even walked all the way into the lobby area, Becky was out of her seat, smiling and cheerfully greeting me.
    “Oh, Ms. Barnes, perfect timing. I will take you to your classroom to settle in before the team meetings begin.” She held the next door open for me then led me into the school grounds and maze of hallways.
    Ingram Elementary was a well-kept school. Most of the main structure encompassed the original brick buildings, their walls all painted white with red detailing. Along the main hallway was a large mural of a classroom with a quote. “ The stepping stones to life begin here”. Seemed a bit deep for elementary schoolers, but Principal Sullivan probably expected a few students to leave here with college admissions.
    “Here you are, dear,” Becky said, holding my classroom door open for me to step inside .
    Oh my. My classroom. A huge smile filled my face as I looked around at the blank canvas I’d been entrusted with. The small wooden desks were arranged in orderly rows facing the whiteboard, flanked by two corkboards. I made my way to the back corner still in awe and set my box atop a large metal desk . Mine, this classroom was all mine.
    Turning to Becky, I noticed her eyes were a bit misty as she cleared her throat.
    “Aw, I forgot what a beautiful sight seeing a new teacher come in was. Reminds me of a child’s first trip to see Disneyworld.”
    Letting out a laugh, I walked back

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