over to where she stood. “Oh, Becky. This may be better,” I whisper conspiratorially. “I just can’t believe I’ve finally made it here. I am so excited.”
Becky took my hand in hers and spun us toward the door. “Yes, well, let’s get you introduced to the team leader for the second grade teachers so you can get to your meeting on time.”
After walking a few doors down, we stepped into another classroom, this one all ready for the approaching school year with books and alphabet posters. The teacher’s desk had handmade items from past students that made me even more hopeful for the year ahead. As the door clicked behind us, a tall lanky man turned around, smile on his face so wide his dimples showed.
Stepping forward, he extended his hand toward me. “Hello. You must be Ms. Barnes. Becky has told me all about you!”
Feeling myself blushing profusely, I nodded. “Yes, I am. It is a pleasure to meet you, Mr…”
“Oh gosh. Excuse me. I seem to have forgotten my manners. I am Ian Petty, the team leader for our grade level.”
As I looked into his blue eyes, a weird feeling passed through me, making my smile falter. Quickly catching myself, I plastered it back on, unable to place the feelings running rampant through me as perspiration gathered on my neck.
“Mr. Petty, I look forward to working with you. I feel like we have met before, but I just can’t seem to place you,” I discreetly inquired, hoping he’d end up being a friend of Bryant’s or Grant’s.
“Ian, please, and no, I don’t believe I have had the pleasure,” he said with a wink that made my skin crawl.
Before we could continue our conversation, more teachers stepped in, and Becky excused herself, saying she’d talk with me after the day was through. Taking a seat at a small table, the other teachers introduced themselves, rolling out the welcome mat and making me feel at ease.
After an hour of talking about plans and curriculum, we received our student lists and were free to go back to our classrooms to start preparing for students we’d meet in a few weeks’ time. As I walked back down to my classroom, the unnerving tingle sensation returned.
“Ms. Barnes, wait up,” Ian’s smooth voice called from behind. “I am coming to help set up since you are a bit behind.”
Embarrassed that I was behind, despite no fault of my own, I nodded. This guy was a teacher and seemed to have the respect of the faculty. Shoving down my illogical feelings, I reminded myself this man was a stranger to me, and I should not pass judgment.
In no time at all, Ian and I were chatting effortlessly about the school and staff. He enjoyed the gossip much more that I’d have ever guessed as he divulged everyone’s secrets he was privy to. Note to self: Don’t ever confide in this man.
“Well, I think that covers it. I am going to run to the store and grab some items I would like to have for the classroom, but I feel much more prepared now. Thank you so much for taking the time to help me, Mr. Petty.” Smiling, I turned to realize he was much closer than I’d realized.
“Ian. The pleasure was all mine, Rose.” His tongue caressed my name a bit too much as he spoke it aloud.
“A lot of the faculty goes up to this little pub up the road. Maybe you’ll be able to join us this Friday. We can give you the scoop on the students you’ll be getting.”
“I’ll have to speak to my fiancé, but it would be lovely to be able to socialize with everyone off campus.” I said, hoping the mention of Bryant would put a little bubble around me and remove him from my personal space.
“Of course. I hope you can. It will help you tremendously to become friends with the rest of the staff,” he advised, before leaving me alone in my classroom.
As soon as he left, I felt my body relax tenfold. I hadn’t even realized I was so on guard with him in there. I just couldn’t place where I knew him from, but I was sure I had met him before. While Ian may