Saving the Seal 2: A BWWM Navy Seal Interracial Romance

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Book: Read Saving the Seal 2: A BWWM Navy Seal Interracial Romance for Free Online
Authors: Cristina Grenier
Tags: BWWM Navy Seal Interracial Romance
but somehow, he found he couldn’t. Every muscle in his body was taut with some unexplainable tension.
    I left her an amazing present…
    With a sense of foreboding, Owen returned, naked, to the living room. Eddie whimpered, giving his master a questioning look as Owen dialed the psychiatric department at Riperton.
    “Hello, Riperton Psychiatric Department. How may I direct your call?” He recognized the voice of Tina, the day receptionist.
    “Hey, Tina. It’s Owen. I was just wondering if Genevieve has received any packages today?” He knew it was a strange thing to ask, but he figured there’d be no harm in assuaging his gut instinct.
    “Not that I know of.” The young, chipper girl returned brightly. “There have been a couple of orders of flowers for her, congratulating her on the new position, but no packages.” Owen breathed a sigh of relief, shaking his head. He was being stupid, he knew.
    “Thanks, Tina.”
    “No problem, Owen. Wait, hold on one second.” There was a muffled exchange as she spoke to someone in the office, and Owen found himself errantly tugging on Eddie’s toy to placate him as he waited for her to return. “Owen.” When Tina came back on the line, she sounded somewhat surprised. “Actually, Stella tells me that Genny did get a package while I was at lunch with an unmarked sender. Did you send her something?” Her voice became low and conspiratorial. “That’s super sweet of you.”
    Owen froze in place, effectively allowing Eddie to snatch the toy from his hand triumphantly.
    Fuck . “Did she open it yet?” He tried to keep the alarm from his voice, though his tone was audibly curt.
    “What? No…not that I know of.” Tina returned hesitantly. “Actually, I think she might have taken it to open on lunch break. She stepped out to Harry’s across the street-”
    That was all Owen needed to hear. He hung up quickly, racing to the bedroom to throw his clothes on. The long-legged man strode to his truck at a fever pace, his heart pounding in his chest. It was a ten minute ride from where he was to Harry’s. He prayed to God that Genny waited to open the package until after she ate her lunch.
    God. She was exhausted already and it wasn’t even two o’clock.
    Genny slumped in her chair as she sipped at her raspberry lemonade. If she thought her life as a psychiatrist had been hectic, serving as head of a department made her head spin. She had to approve everything and commit paperwork for prescriptions. She had to check and double check patient intake forms as well as make sure that everyone arrived on time and stuck to their schedules.
    The pace she had to keep was fairly mind-blowing.
    When she collapsed at the booth at Harry’s, it was the first time she’d sat down the entire day. She was strongly tempted to nap for her one hour lunch break, but she made herself order a chicken salad. Maybe it was time for her to upgrade from tea to coffee. It certainly seemed like she was going to need it to get through a twelve hour shift sitting in the big chair.
    As she ate, Genny‘s hazel eyes fell on the long box at her side and she smiled. There was no return address, but she was fairly certain Owen had sent her something. The first time the man had sent her flowers, he’d nearly worked himself up into a fit until she assured him that she liked them. Since then, he’d taken to sending her small things every once in a while – tokens of the love he had trouble putting into words.
    This box was light and long, making her wonder what it could be. She’d decided to wait until she was finished eating to open it, for fear that she’d spill anything on it. At least if she had to kill herself for a solid twelve hours, she got to open a nice gift on her lunch break.
    Genny took a leisurely thirty minutes to eat her lunch, leaving an additional half hour to prep herself before she headed back to the hospital. After finishing her lemonade, she finally reached for the box on

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