Saving the Seal 2: A BWWM Navy Seal Interracial Romance

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Book: Read Saving the Seal 2: A BWWM Navy Seal Interracial Romance for Free Online
Authors: Cristina Grenier
Tags: BWWM Navy Seal Interracial Romance
two weeks and he still dreaded it.
    The green-eyed man eyed the digital recorder on the coffee table before him with an intense hatred before turning away from it.
    Another thing he was supposed to do was write in a journal every day. He hadn’t told Sean about that one because he was sure his CO would tease him to no end about it. Owen had only ever heard of angst-ridden hipster teenagers journaling, but apparently, writing about what he felt was supposed to help him get it out of his system.
    Several times, he came close to trashing the small white notebook Genevieve had supplied him with in frustration, but he could never bring himself to do it. He trusted her, and if she said this would help him, he knew it would.
    He would just have to be patient.
    The thought made him groan. Anyone who knew him well was aware of just how much of a task that would be for him.
    Goddamn, he hoped Genny was having a better day than he was. For all the hoops they’d jumped through in the last year, they’d been together for almost every one of them. Any place he was felt empty without her in it. It stripped away a bit of his masculinity to admit it, but he missed her. Even though she’d yelled at him for accidently bleaching one of her favorite dresses just the previous night, he was tempted to call her.
    But he knew better. As it was her first day back, she would undoubtedly be busy. He would just have to wait until she got home – and he was prepared to wait for as long as it took. He wasn’t about to pass up the opportunity to hear her moan and sigh as he eased all the tension out of her body with his fingers and tongue.
    Christ, the thought was enough to make him rock hard.
    With a groan, Owen rose from the couch, glancing down at Eddie as the dog looked up at him curiously. “Stay, bud.”
    He needed a cold shower –the sooner the better. However, the man hadn’t taken two steps towards the bathroom when his phone went off. He had to search for it for a moment, remembering that he had lost it in the couch, before he finally retrieved it. The caller ID wasn’t showing up, and he frowned as he answered, expecting a telemarketer. “Hello?”
    There was silence on the other line. Owen’s gaze narrowed in annoyance. “Hello?”
    Well, it wasn’t completely silent. He could definitely hear someone breathing on the other end of the line. “Hello?” He repeated, more harshly this time.
    “I left her a present.” This time, an answer came almost immediately. The tone was completely unfamiliar and sounded vaguely as if it had been run through a modulator of some sort. Owen could tell from having faced the same situation countless times while he’d been on active duty. “I left her an amazing present, and I can’t wait for her to unwrap it.”
    “What the hell?” The SEAL demanded, his tone hard. “Who is this?”
    But the line had already gone dead.
    Frowning deeply, Owen stared at the device skeptically. It must have been a wrong number, as he had no idea who would call his phone speaking like that. With a sigh, he tossed the phone onto the couch before making his way back to the bedroom.
    He was stripping his t-shirt over his head when he paused, mid-motion.
    I left her an amazing present, and I can’t wait for her to unwrap it . There had been something chillingly sinister in that statement. A malevolence that he could sense, even if the voice had been disguised.
    Who the hell would have sent a present though? Nothing had arrived at the house in the past two weeks, and Genny would have gotten anything from her old address after she’d posted his as a forwarding location. If she had received something, he thought she would have told him about it for certain.
    Biting his lip, Owen unzipped his jeans, shimmying out of them. Why was he worrying for nothing? It was probably some teenager trying to play a prank. His number was unlisted. How the hell could anyone have found it otherwise?
    He was about to step into the shower,

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