hours at the hospital? My coming home late and being driven insane by my workload?”
Owen’s lips curved into a teasing smile. “Are you asking me to move in?”
Genny’s heart leapt, even as she hoped she hadn’t overstepped her boundaries. “I mean….not really. Not if you don’t want to-”
“ Good .” He cut her off succinctly. “Because I don’t.” For a moment, the young woman just stared at him, totally nonplussed. He didn’t want to live with her? Had she read his tone completely wrong?
After what seemed like an eternity of leaving her with bated breath, the man continued. “Your apartment is way too small. There’s not enough space for my stuff, and Eddie needs a yard to run around in. Which is why,” without pretense, he reached into the pocket of his sweatpants to fish out a key. Presenting it to her, he smirked, “you’re moving in with me instead.”
Genny’s entire form quivered in relief and pleasure as her cheeks flamed. So much for asking him!
She smacked her boyfriend’s arm in annoyance, only to end up wincing herself as her hand connected with the hard marble of his bicep. “That wasn’t funny.”
“Of course it wasn’t.” Owen chuckled lowly, taking hold of both of her hands before she could hit him again. “It was hilarious.” Any protests she might have had were stifled by his mouth against hers.
It was a very long time indeed before Genevieve had the opportunity to speak again.
Chapter Three: Unease
It was quiet.
After two weeks of running around trying to get all of Genny’s things moved into his house before she went back to work, Owen’s first day without her was almost eerie. There was no more tension, no more waiting for the next damning news report – though there were plenty of them. It was finally time to just relax.
Which had never come easy to him.
That morning, he had gone to the base shooting range to practice his marksmanship. He was worried to find that he was a little rusty. He couldn’t quite hit a target dead center from one thousand yards anymore, and the fact irked him. He’d stayed for three hours trying to hit that target, until Sean convinced him to stop beating himself up.
His friend and commanding officer was preparing to ship out on a nine month deployment – one of his longest in years. Though he wouldn’t say so, Owen knew that he was upset to be missing the first six months of his son’s life. He assured Sean that he and Genny would be available to help support Gina.
Though he knew that because of that promise, he was now bound to watch a baby being born. The thought made his stomach tighten in nervousness. He knew very little about childbirth, other than that it included a lot of pain and screaming on the part of women. God knew Gina screamed at him enough as it was.
Aside from that nervousness, however, he couldn’t help but feel envy watching Sean prepare to lead their team back to the Middle East. The captain knew him well enough to pacify him with the hope that the next time they shipped out, they’d be going together.
Owen could only hope.
He glanced over at Eddie, who was lounging on the couch beside him, chewing on one of his favorite rawhide bones. The damn dog was lucky. He got to do whatever the hell he wanted all day. Thanks to Genny, Owen now had a concerted schedule he had to follow. He knew it was supposed to be good for him, but the mantle was difficult to take up after nearly a year of being idle.
Exercise in the morning was no big deal. What was a big deal was making recordings of nightmares that he had. According to Genny, recording the material and then playing it back to himself was supposed to help him face his fears. In his opinion, it was nothing short of torture. It was hard enough to talk about what haunted him out loud, but to have to listen to it? Christ, he could barely get through half of one dream.
It was supposed to get better in time, but he’d been dealing with the shit for almost