Prince of Passion

Read Prince of Passion for Free Online

Book: Read Prince of Passion for Free Online
Authors: Donna Grant
“They’re wonderful. When I asked them to trust me, that I had to leave Drahcir, they did it though they weren’t happy about it.”  
    “Nay, I imagine they were no’. Do you have siblings?”  
    “A younger sister and an older brother.”  
    He nodded, his lips pressed together. “I miss my family. I’m close to my brothers and having not spoken to them in so long is….”  
    “Painful,” she interjected.  
    He glanced at her. “Exactly. I can no’ wait to meet their mates.”  
    “It’ll be a glorious reunion.” She could only imagine how their return would be. The Sinclairs were well-loved in Drahcir, and the deep loyalty and love of the family was known throughout their kingdom.  
    Yet, she had to wonder if his family would approve of her. Would she get along with them? She was the future queen, after all. Just thinking it made her stomach pitch.  
    “Is it wrong that despite being frozen, I still want to kiss you?” Keiran said with a devilish grin.  
    Senga laughed, her breath billowing around her. “If you can desire me when I look this bad, then I think we’ll be all right.”  
    “You look delicious to me,” he whispered into her ear.  
    Despite the temperature, the falling snow, and her soaked boots, she didn’t gripe when he stopped her and turned her to face him. His warm breath fanned her cheek just a heartbeat before his lips descended on hers.  
    He was like a ray of sunshine, and she basked in his glow. His kiss set her afire, his lips moving over hers slowly, seductively, heating her blood.   Her sex clenched hungrily, and her breasts swelled. Had he wanted her right then in the snow, she’d have gladly lain down and offered her body.  
    She heard the stories of the uncontrollable desire, the throbbing need and vast hunger a mate of a Sinclair would feel, but experiencing it herself, she was left panting with a need so deep and immense, a lifetime with Keiran would never be enough.  
    It wasn’t just the desire while in his arms. She couldn’t quite explain the pleasure at just being near him, of knowing she was his. It was almost as if she had become whole when he had claimed her. In marking her arm with the ancient symbol of the Sinclairs, he had also marked her heart and soul.  
    She had wanted to stare at the tattoo on her arm this morning. The small glimpse she had gotten sent a chill across her body, for despite Aimery’s prediction, she had doubted the end result.   Yet, there was no doubt now, not with her arm, as well as Keiran’s, marked for eternity. She ran her hand over his right arm.  
    “I still can’t believe it,” she whispered when he raised his head. “Even knowing I was meant to be yours, I can’t believe it. I used to watch you in Drahcir when you rode through the city atop your mount. You were so handsome, so skilled.”  
    He rubbed his nose with hers. “I’m all yours now, love, even if you doona want me. I have horrid quirks that will no doubt drive you daft in short order.”  
    Senga burst out laughing, her strength renewed. “I don’t believe that for a moment.”  
    “Doona say I didna warn you,” he told her as he continued walking.  
    * * * *
    The snowfall turned into a vicious storm with winds that howled around them, driving them backward even as they trudged through the snow. Keiran stood in front of Senga, taking the brunt of the wind as well as shoving aside the knee-deep snow to make it easier for her to walk.   She held onto his cloak, letting him know she was still there. He was exhausted. His thighs ached and his entire body hurt from the cold.  
    By the gods, why couldn’t it have been summer!  
    It was always cold on the mountain, but winter storms were the worst. No one in their right mind climbed the mountain in winter, but he and Senga didn’t have a choice. They had to reach Drahcir.  
    Keiran glanced behind him. Senga had her head ducked, her chin to her chest against the bitter wind. She

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