
Read Abominations for Free Online

Book: Read Abominations for Free Online
Authors: P. S. Power
Tags: Science-Fiction, Fantasy, Horror, Mystery
room she'd gone to sleep in. It took her a few seconds to focus, but when she did the whole thing hit hard. Right, this new place was... new and she wasn't her anymore. Smiling Gwen wanted to cheer. She wasn't her anymore. Was it worth being stabbed in the heart?
      Fucking yeah it was!
      Confusing and scary, off-putting and with a million new rules, but totally and completely worth it.
      After a while her new friend, Nurse Rogers, came in, her smile a little more genuine today it seemed, even touching her eyes at times. She opened the window using a stick with a hook on the end that caught the copper colored latch plate perfectly, letting in a fresh breeze that wasn't too cool, and brought her a small basket of toiletries, which she helped her use. Surprisingly Gwen found that she could brush her own teeth. It didn't feel good across the chest, but it didn't hurt nearly as much as moving had the day before. The tooth brush had a wooden handle, and the paste tasted of orange and salt, but did leave her mouth feeling fresh.
      The nurse carefully brushed her hair and put it up, using six small pins, kind of like bobby pins, but not as complicated it looked like to her, lacking some of the little bumps and humps the ones back home had. Before, since having long hair didn't help her looks in any way, she'd always just cut it short, almost a buzz cut most of the time. Out of the way and less to pull in a fight. Now she had more hair suddenly than ever before and no real clue what to do with it. Brush it and tie it up somehow? She'd learn. Most people did their own hair, so she could do it too, with practice.
      Breakfast came, a light meal consisting of a roll about the size of a silver dollar, a small glass of juice, and about enough oatmeal to fill a small coffee cup. It already had a light sprinkling of brown sugar on top and to her surprise, a small pat of real butter. It tasted strange to her, with the butter, but she ate it all. It seemed to Gwen that this world must have skipped the trend of super-sizing everything as far as food went. She did find that this amount of food felt like enough, once she'd finished it. She'd had to take tiny bites and sips to not put strain on her chest, making the whole meal take a lot longer than normal so she felt full, or at least not hungry, by the time the nurse came to take the dishes away.
      She drew some more and tried to write out a description of everything from the attack, going over it in her mind. She even tried to describe what she'd smelled at the time, just to keep the memory fresh. A musky scent that seemed familiar, like black licorice and something smokier. It was hard to really capture a scent in writing it turned out, but hopefully just thinking about it would make a difference. If not, it was still better than sitting and staring at the wall.
      The nurse checked in on her several times, making small talk, but not staying long, having others to see too, Gwen knew, even though she hadn't seen or heard any of them since she'd gotten there. Hospitals weren't normally noisy places, but this one had to be the quietest she'd ever been in. Did they insulate the walls or was everyone just that polite all the time, even when in pain?
      A vision of a man having been run through with a spear and lying flat on his back in the next room came to her then, the doctors politely rushing about their duties and the man softly murmuring “Oh my, I do hope I don't get blood on your bedding...” in the strange accent everyone seemed to have here. If that was the case Gwen must sound like a sailor on leave to these folk. Being alone most of the time she'd never really bothered to learn to curb her language or even not to talk to herself out loud. Well, no time like the present to learn.
      After lunch, a meal comprised of a small salad with a vinaigrette dressing, sliced fruit, and what seemed to be a small piece of

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