and the sunlight brought out golden streaks in his mop of dark blond hair.
“I thought we were meeting the owner of the building.” Rylee said in greeting. She directed the dogs to sit.
“He’s late. And so are you.”
“Couldn’t be helped. Sil has her wand out again. I got away as quickly as I could.”
White teeth flashed when he smiled. “You too? She tried to set me up with the meter maid who wrote her a ticket last week.”
“What happened to…Karen? Last I heard you two were hot and heavy.”
“She got pissed when she found out I’d been to a Yankee’s game last week.”
“Doesn’t share your enthusiasm for the boys of summer, huh?”
“She doesn’t share my enthusiasm for cheering on the boys while in the company of another woman.”
“Wow. I didn’t realize she was so shallow. What a bitch.” Rylee offered the dry commiseration, crossing her arms. “You’re better off without her.”
He shrugged off the sarcasm. “Hey, Lucy tempted me with box seats. What can I say? I’m weak.”
“What you are is a slut, and if Sil’s trying to fix you up with meter maids it’s your own fault. I refuse to feel sorry for you, especially since diffusing her matchmaking will take some of the pressure off of me.”
They shared a grin.
She studied the two-story, brick structure. “So, this is it?”
He nodded. “The building is sixty-five years old, but the roof, electrical, and plumbing were all brought up to code less than five years ago. Plenty of parking out back. About the only exterior costs we’d see is if we decided to replace the windows.”
“Do they need replacing?”
He tipped his flat hand back and forth.
“New windows, then.”
She jumped when her cell phone vibrated in her pocket. Pulling it out, she frowned at the melodic chime of Someday My Prince Will Come . A quick glance at the caller ID showed a restricted call and she pressed the button, killing the song.
“Waiting on a prince?” Brian teased.
“I downloaded the tone last week to annoy Sil.”
He snickered.
He turned at the greeting and Rylee followed his gaze to find a hefty, middle-aged man in a rumpled suit hurrying down the sidewalk. His balding head gleamed with sweat and he huffed from exertion.
He shuffled to a stop before them. “Sorry I’m late.”
“There’s a lot of that going around.” Brian winked at Rylee. “We just got here ourselves. Rip, this is Rylee Pierce, Silvia’s niece. Rylee, Rip Cain.”
“Hello, Mr. Cain.” When he cast a wary glance at the dogs, she reassured him. “They won’t bother you.”
“Rip, please.” He smiled shyly. “I expected Silvia,” he said to Brian. “I was looking forward to meeting her.”
“She, ah, couldn’t be here. Rylee will fill her in.”
Rip nodded, his disappointment clear by his slumping shoulders. “Ah, well. To tell the truth, it’s just as well. A bug is going around the travel agency and we’re short-staffed. I need to get back.” He reached inside his suit coat and pulled a key ring from his shirt pocket. “I just came by to give you the key. You can get it back to me later.”
“That’ll work.”
Rip turned to Rylee. “I admire what your aunt and Brian are doing with their foundation. My sister’s boy did three tours in Iraq before he came home for good. He and his family bought into the building over near the courthouse. They never could have afforded a place big enough for all of them without the foundation’s help. You be sure to convey my thanks to Silvia.”
“She’ll be glad to hear it,” Rylee said, smiling.
“You’ll get back to me when you’ve made a decision?” he asked Brian.
“Silvia or I will be in touch.”
“Good.” He shook hands with Brian, nodded at Rylee and headed off down the sidewalk.
“Does it ever bother you?” Brian asked, watching him go. “That people don’t know?”
“ I know.” And that was enough for her. “So, let’s see if we’ve found our next
Anne Machung Arlie Hochschild