on the table should something happen to him.
The soup was dished out and tasted delicious. Keiran had two helpings before he set aside the bowl. Between the food and the warmth, he could already feel his body begin to thaw.
He glanced at Senga to find her watching him. Her cheeks had a soft glow to them again. “Feel better?”
“Much,” she admitted. “I’ve never been so cold. I’d do fine without ever seeing snow again.”
He couldn’t agree more. He wondered what she thought about him calling her his wife. In Drahcir, even without a formal ceremony, she was considered his wife as soon as they had been marked. Still, it was the first time he had spoken of her as his wife, and he felt a swell of pride at having her by his side.
His brave woman. She would make an excellent queen.
Molly handed each of them a mug of hot tea. “This will help, as well,” she said. “The storm should break overnight, and both of you are welcome to stay. I wouldn’t suggest venturing out into the storm again.”
Keiran’s met Senga’s gaze, silently asking her what she wanted to do. She gave a very slight nod of her head.
“If you doona mind,” he said. “I think we’ll take you up on your kind offer.”
Chapter Six
Senga flexed her fingers and toes as the feeling returned to them. Keiran scooted closer to her and rubbed her feet to help bring the feeling back. She smiled at him. He was a good man, sacrificing so much for his people. She knew of his kindness, of the wisdom he’d seemed to possess even at a young age. Drahcir would prosper under his reign as it had in the generations before him.
“What are you thinking?” he asked.
Senga glanced at Molly to find her out of earshot. “I’m thinking you’ll make a great king.”
“With you by my side, I can do anything.”
She touched his cheek, rubbing the stubble of his beard beneath her hand.
“Tell me your greatest desire,” he asked.
She shrugged and licked her lips. “I’ve always wanted children. I love the innocence in babies’ eyes when they look up at you, the trusting way they grip your finger in their tiny hands. And a child’s laughter has to be one of the best sounds in the entire world.”
“You’ll make a wonderful mother.”
She let out a deep breath. “As much as I want sons and daughters with your dark hair and hazel eyes, I’m afraid. I don’t know how your parents could stand to let the four of you leave, knowing there was a chance they would never see you again.”
“It’s a chance each Sinclair has made since the curse came into being. I long to break the curse, to end this wretchedness once and for all. Yet, I doona know how to do it. I used to comb through Father’s library, hoping to find something in those tomes that would give me some hint, but I never found anything.”
“Did you ask Aimery?”
He shook his head. “I was so worried about finding you, I forgot.”
She entwined her fingers with his. “Then that is what we’ll do once we reach Drahcir. We’ll find a way to end it. I don’t want our children suffering through the frustration and anxiety of looking for their mates and trying to outrun the beast.”
“The weight of an entire kingdom is on my shoulders, Senga,” he murmured. “I can no’ tell you how heavy it weighs upon me.”
She could only imagine. Despite his broad shoulders, no one should have to carry such a load. She simply refused to have her children suffer as Keiran and his brothers had suffered. Keiran’s arm wrapped around her shoulders, drawing her against him as his warmth surrounded her. Her body responded instantly to his nearness. The need to feel him between her legs, thrusting deep within her was overwhelming.
He nuzzled her neck. “I love the smell of your skin,” he whispered in her ear. “I could lick you from head to toe and never get enough.”
She shivered at
Anne Machung Arlie Hochschild