without a cloud in the sky as I headed to the bar after my last class. It was still early, but I liked to get there early so I could help Shelly stock and get ready for the hopping Friday crowd. Fridays were usually packed, and we mixed, poured, and served drinks without so much as a bathroom break. It was a great night for tips, and Shelly and I worked the bar well together.
“Hey, Shell!” Shelly was already changing out bottles and stocking behind the bar when I strolled into the dark building and moved behind the bar. Shelly liked to just turn on the light behind the bar until we were ready to open up. I guess it was more relaxing than having the harsh fluorescent lighting overpowering us.
“Hey , girl!” She glanced back at me as I threw my bag under the bar and grabbed the next couple of bottles to hand to her.
“It should be a nice night.” The weather forecast was clear for tonight, and in a town where people walked a lot, that was a good thing. Good weather brought out the crowds, and the crowds brought out the money. Even poor college kids found a way to go to the bars. I think a lot of them would take a beer over their next meal.
“Yeah, it looks like it.” Shelly placed the last bottle on the shelf behind the bar and turned to me.
“So, did that Garrett guy walk you home?” She stepped down from the step ladder and placed her hands on her hips as she waited for me to answer.
I could feel my cheeks heat up, knowi ng what Shelly was getting at. “Yes, but it’s not like you think,” I argued.
“Is that so? I thought Payton didn’t need anyone to walk her home.” She cocked her left eyebrow up at me, her voice dripping with amused sarcasm.
“ I don’t . He lives on the other side of the park, too. He was already going that way anyway,” I snapped back, sure I didn’t sound as convincing as I’d hoped. I was glad when Rob walked through the door so we could drop the topic of Garrett. Unfortunately, Rob didn’t agree.
“So, did Garret t walk you home?” He laughed as I groaned and turned around. Shelly started laughing.
“I’m glad you two find this so amusing.” I glared at them both.
“Aw , come on, Payton, we’re just giving you a hard time. I don’t know much about him, but Garrett seems pretty cool. I don’t get a creep vibe from him.” Rob wrapped his arms around me and kissed the top of my head.
“It was just nice to see a guy c atch your attention for once.” Shelly put her arm around my shoulder, too, sandwiching me in between them.
“He didn’t catch my attention. I think I just have a bit of hero worship, that’s all. Let’s drop it, okay?” I mumbled into Rob’s chest.
We all went back to work, and soon the crowds started flowing in. As predicted, we were jumping. I had just served up four mixed drinks for a group of girls when Shelly stopped behind me. “Don’t look now, but your man just walked in.” Without even thinking, I turned to the door and caught Garrett’s eyes. He smiled at me, and I could feel my face grow hot. What’s with you, Payton? I hadn’t blushed over a guy in, well ... ever.
“He’s not my man!” I snapped in Shelly’s direction as she laughed.
She went back to serving drinks on the other side of the bar , and I greeted Garrett and his friend. “Hey. What can I get for you two?”
Garrett flashed me a sm ile, and again my heart jumped. “Two beers please, Payton, whatever’s on tap.” I went over to the tap and poured them each a beer, grimacing at the large amount of foam on the first one, due to not paying attention to what I was doing. I poured the one over and finally set them on the counter.
As I was handing Garrett his change, h e introduced me to his friend. “Payton, this is my friend, Lucas. Lucas, this is Payton.”
Lucas held his hand out to me, and I shook it. “It’s nice to meet you, Payton. I feel like I know you after listening to Garrett talk about you for the last two days.” He laughed as