
Read Omission for Free Online Page B

Book: Read Omission for Free Online
Authors: Taryn Plendl
safe. I grabbed my purse from under the bar and stood up to find those incredible brown eyes looking straight at me. “Hi.” I couldn’t disguise the small smile that formed on my face, and he didn’t miss it either.
    He rewarded me with one of his beautiful full smiles. “Ready?”
    “Sure.” We walked to the door, pausing so I could give Rob a hug and a kiss on the cheek and hug Shelly. “See you guys tomorrow.”
    Rob shook Garrett’s hand a s we moved through the door. I almost let out an audible gasp when I felt Garrett’s hand on my lower back, guiding me forward. It was such an innocent move, but his touch did weird things to me. I felt the heat from his hand move straight through my body, and I missed it instantly as soon as he removed his hand.
    “You okay?” I felt his warm breath as he spoke so close to my ear, causing me to shiver.
    I didn’t trust myself to spe ak right now so I just nodded. We walked across the street before I could get myself calm enough to speak. “You didn’t have to wait for me, you know.” I hadn’t meant to sound so rude, and he looked a little hurt by my words at first, but then he smiled and shook his head.
    “What?” I questioned.
    “You’re just really hard to figure out.” He shrugged, putting his hands in his pockets as we walked.
    “What do you mean?” Now I was acting wounded.
    He stopped and looked d own at me, moving a bit closer. It was dark, but I could see his face illuminated by the streetlights that were still very close. “Well, you stare at me all night, smile at me, and I get the impression you might share my interest, and then you spout off a comment, making me feel like you don’t want me around.”
    I felt like I couldn’t breathe. He was so close that I could feel the heat from his body radiate through my own clothes. I swallowed hard, trying to regain my composure. I lifted my chin slightly, feeling a bit defensive by his tone, and looked him straight in the eyes. “There’s nothing to figure out, Garrett.” My voice sounded small and unsure. I hated that he had that effect on me.
    “Really , Payton?” He cocked his head to the side, smirking.
    My heart was beating so fast. I couldn’t tell if I was mad, scared, or excited. “ Really, Garrett?” 
    He put his hand behind my neck and the other one on my hip, pulling me forward so that we were just inches apart. Oh my God, he’s going to kiss me! I watched him lean forward and then closed my eyes, waiting for that contact, but instead I felt his mouth graze past the corner of mine to my ear instead.
    “I just w ant to get to know you, Payton. I am so drawn to you, and I can’t explain why.” His voice was soft and low. With that, he pulled himself back and dropped his hands back to his sides.
    I was panting. My heartbeat was irregular, and I was trying to figure out what just happened. I can’t remember a time when I have ever wanted to be kissed more. It had felt so good to have his hands on me, and I swear the skin where he had touched still tingled as we stood there.
    “Okay ,” I whispered.
    “Okay , you’ll let me get to know you?” His smile seemed so genuine that I couldn’t help but smile back.
    I nodded. “ I’ll try.”
    I could see his body physically relax, releasing a huge amount of tension. I started walking forward again and felt him slide in step with me. We walked in silence the entire way across the park. When we reached the sidewalk, I realized I wasn’t ready for him to go. “Do you want to come over for a bit?” I had never invited anyone into my apartment, not even Shelly, but I wanted him to say yes so badly.
    “I’d like that.” He smiled nervously. I was glad to see that he seemed just as out of sorts as me.
    Good! I walked the little ways to my apartment and crossed the street. “Here we are.” I opened the main door and walked up the stairs to the second level, unlocking my door and holding it open for him to walk through.
    I closed the

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