
Read Omission for Free Online Page A

Book: Read Omission for Free Online
Authors: Taryn Plendl
Garrett punched him in the shoulder.
    “Nice , dude! This is why I don’t introduce you to anyone.” He looked back at me apologetically. “I’ll see you later?” It came out as a question, and I nodded, but I seriously doubted I would have a chance to talk to him, not tonight anyway. It was way too busy.
    Throughout the night I found myself searching for him in the crowd, and each time I found him, he was looking back at me, smiling.
    “Something out there interest you, Payton?” Shelly joked as she slid behind me, filling a glass with ice. I glared at her, not because of what she said, but more because I got caught watching him in the first place.
    I couldn’t begin to explain the draw I had to Garrett. He was certainly something to behold. There was no doubt that he was gorgeous—his body was downright incredible! His arms were solid and defined. His shoulders were broad and angled down in a perfect V toward his waist. His jeans sat low on his hips and hung perfectly on his amazing backside. Wow—just wow! His face was something I couldn’t seem to get enough of, and those eyes! They were brown, like the deepest milk chocolate, and they way he looked at me—they were eyes a girl could get lost in.
    I shook my head, trying to get ba ck in the game. It was slower now that it was after midnight, but I still had people to serve.
    “Are you guys ready for another round?” Lucas had just stepped up to the bar.
    “No, I’m actually taking off.” I quickly glanced over at Garrett, expecting him to be leaving also, but he just sat at the table checking something on his phone.
    Lucas laughed loudly , and it brought my attention back to him. “He’s not going anywhere. He’s waiting for a certain someone.” He winked at me. “Be nice, Garrett doesn’t usually wait around for girls, not until now anyway. He’s a little out of his element.” With that, Lucas walked to the door, shook Rob’s hand, and disappeared around the corner.
    What did that mean? Was Garrett waiting for me? “Who was that guy talking to you?” Shelly grabbed the glasses out of my hands that I had been absentmindedly holding and proceeded to add them to the dirty rack.
    “Um, that was Lucas. He’s a friend of Garrett’s.” I was still trying to figure out what he meant.
    “He’s cute.”
    “Who?” I turned and looked at her.
    “Lucas.” Shelly was a flirt, and I could tell the next time poor Lucas stepped into the bar that he would be her target. I didn’t feel too bad—he looked like the type of person who could handle her.
    “Hmmm, I didn’t notice.” 
    “That doesn’t surprise me; you haven’t looked at anyone else but Garrett tonight,” she mused.
    My mouth dropped open as I looked at her. She smirked at me, and I realized she was right. I had no idea how to do this. I hadn’t really ever had a boyfriend, but that was by choice. I certainly had opportunities, but I never acted on them. I was pretty sure past experiences had tarnished any chance of me finding a healthy and loving relationship.
    “Shit , Shell! What am I doing?” I felt a knot in my stomach.
    She grabbed my arm. “Don’t over-think this, Payton, please. He seems like a good guy, and he really seems to be into you.” Shelly placed the clean glasses back on the shelf.
    I nodded. I had no idea what was going on, but Shelly was right, I didn’t need to stress over something that wasn’t even a defined issue yet.
    Two o’clock rolled around before we knew it , and the bar had cleared out—except for Garrett. Rob had come over and told me that he was waiting for me, so he allowed him to stay. I couldn’t help but feel a bit excited knowing that he had spent the entire night here so he could walk with me. As much as I knew I could walk alone, hell I’d done it for over a year now, I actually enjoyed his company, and I wanted to know more about him.
    We wrapped up everything , and Shelly closed out the register, leaving the money in the

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