tomorrow. Goodnight, Nathan.’
‘Goodnight, Lisa.’
I slammed the laptop shut and released a long frustrated sigh.
Suddenly out of the corner of my eye I spotted headlights coming towards
the front of the house. I pressed my face up against the window and squinted
into the darkness.
Miranda was finally coming home!
I watched silently from my vantage point, as the car pulled up and the
door popped open. Miranda’s long elegant legs swung out of the car one after
the other, as she stepped out. The overweight man rushed around to meet her and
a brief conversation began.
‘Don’t kiss him,’ I muttered to myself.
The conversation carried on for a moment and then Miranda turned away and
headed towards the house. The man hung his head in disappointment and skulked
back towards his car. I turned my eyes back towards Miranda to see she was
looking right up into my bedroom window. She had an unreadable expression on
her face, was she still mad at me?
I heard the front door open and then close, as Miranda entered the lake
house. My heart jumped into my mouth at the sound of her instantly heading up
the stairs, but the fear in my mind momentarily subsided, as Sheridan’s door
was opened and Miranda’s muffled voice said something along the lines that she was
home. Sheridan’s door clicked closed and then there was silence.
Where had she gone?
My heart nearly exploded out of my chest and bounced away across the
floor, as my bedroom door handle was ever so slowly pulled down and Miranda
stepped inside my room. She closed the door behind her and stood there for a
moment just staring at me. The sound of Pete and Sheridan’s muffled
conversation could be heard through the thin walls.
‘I couldn’t stop thinking about you,’ said Miranda. Her voice was nearly
as whisper so that the others would not be able to hear her. ‘I couldn’t stop
thinking about what you said.’
My heart was melting in my chest. Miranda didn’t hate me!
‘I think I am falling in love with you as well,’ she muttered.
I stood up and walked across the room towards her. For the first time
since I had met Miranda she looked shy and nervous. Her beautiful bright blue
eyes looked everywhere they possibly could but directly at me, as she tried to
avoid my gaze.
‘I thought I had lost you,’ I whispered. ‘I thought it was over.’
‘No.’ she replied. ‘You just surprised me. I didn’t think you felt the
same way. I thought you were saying what I wanted to hear when we were down at
the lake, but today you sounded like you really meant it.’
I cupped her jaw in the palm of my hand and tilted her head up, forcing
her to look me in the eye. ‘I am falling in love with you, Miranda.’ We both
leaned slowly forward and pressed our lips together, as we kissed. It was a
deep and powerful kiss that sent butterflies fluttering in my stomach. I loved
the feel of her tongue in my mouth.
‘We can’t,’ Miranda pulled back. ‘Sheridan is right next door.’
Sheridan’s muffled voice was coming from only a few feet away on the other side
of the thin wall. ‘We have to wait until tomorrow and go back down to the lake.
I want you to take me like you did today.’
‘I want you now,’ I replied.
We walked backwards towards the wall and I hoisted up her dress. My
fingers stroked up along the inside of her thigh, as Miranda opened her legs
for me. The tips of my fingers brushed across her soaking wet underwear.
‘How about tomorrow,’ I whispered, as I pulled her underwear to one side.
‘Let’s drive someplace private, where we can truly be alone.’ Miranda squirmed,
as two stiff fingers were pushed inside of her. ‘And then we can be together
for the entire day.’
I started to slide my fingers back and forth, pulling them right to the
point of coming out and then forcing them all the way back inside of her in
very rapid movements. I could feel Miranda pushing her hips down to meet my
incoming fingers. Sweet little whimpers began