Obsessed (Book #12 in the Vampire Journals)

Read Obsessed (Book #12 in the Vampire Journals) for Free Online

Book: Read Obsessed (Book #12 in the Vampire Journals) for Free Online
Authors: Morgan Rice
was her necklace that was aglow, white light spilling through
the hinges. She reached inside her top and pulled it out. She had never before
been able to open the necklace but something told her this time would be
different. As she slid a fingernail into the latch, she realized that her tears
had been dripping onto it. Perhaps they had somehow unlocked the pendant.
    The two halves
folded open and white light burst into the cave, illuminating Scarlet’s and
Sage’s figures. In the middle of the glowing light was an image. Scarlet
studied it. It was a castle in the middle of the sea, but not Boldt Castle.
This one was taller and thinner, more like an elaborate tower than an actual
    Scarlet shook
Sage by the shoulder.
    “Look,” she
instructed him.
    Sage managed to
half open a weary eye.
    Scarlet heard
him take a sharp intake of breath.
    “You know where
it is?” she asked.
    Sage nodded. “I
    Then he slumped
his head back into her lap, exhausted.
    Something inside
Scarlet told her that wherever this place was, it was important. And if Sage
knew of it, then it was significant to the Immortalists. Why would her necklace
show her such a place? And why would it only open when her tears fell on it?
Surely it was a clue.
    Scarlet snapped
the necklace shut and the white glow disappeared, taking with it the image of a
crooked castle in the middle of a raging ocean. Somehow she knew deep inside of
her that if she got Sage to this castle, he would live. But she was running out
of time.
    She heaved the
unconscious Sage onto her back. He was heavy, but this time Scarlet was more
determined than ever, and more certain that there was hope. She took to the
    She would save
him. No matter what it took.

struggled to catch her breath as she fell though the night sky. One moment
Caleb had hit the eject button, and the next, the plane was suddenly no longer
around her. She was in the black air, falling toward the raging ocean.
    She glanced
right, looking for Caleb. He wasn’t there. Feeling anguished, she looked about
her—and finally, she spotted Caleb above her, his parachute deployed. He was
pointing to his parachute cord. She couldn’t hear him over the sound of the
roaring air.
    Then she
realized: he was trying to tell her to pull her cord. She did and all at once
the plummeting stopped as her body snapped. All was suddenly peaceful. She was
hovering, floating, the white parachute spread open above her like angel’s
    Caitlin took
some deep breaths to calm her racing heart. She looked back up at Caleb and saw
him giving her two thumbs up. Caleb, who had far more experience with this sort
of thing, managed to maneuver himself so that they were almost level.
    “It’s going to
be cold!” he shouted to her.
    Caitlin looked
down. The water was looming, and before she had a chance to think about the
frozen waves hitting her, an enormous explosion made the whole world shudder.
Caitlin looked to her right to see that the plane had crashed into something.
She realized with a sinking sensation that it was the building she’d seen on
the horizon, the one her senses had told her was where Scarlet was to be found.
    “No!” she
    Flames and bits
of burning fuselage tumbled into the sea as a huge plume of black smoke
billowed into the air.
    Then Caitlin hit
the ocean.
    Caitlin gasped
as she hit the freezing water. It was so cold, it felt as though her bones had
turned to ice.
    But the sharp
sting caused by the frigid ocean paled in comparison to the anguish in her
heart. Just ahead, the building Caitlin was certain her daughter was in was
ablaze. She watched, as though in a daze, as the ceiling caved in. A moment
later, the whole sea-facing wall crumbled into the ocean, leaving a deep wound
in the exterior.
Caleb’s voice came from a little distance away.
    Caitlin shook
her head and found her way back to her senses. Caleb was swimming toward her,

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