you just said?”
Zoey sighed. “No, I’m used to being misunderstood.”
“Do not look so dejected. What did you inform Koran a while ago? That the wind might blow and leave him with that appearance permanently?”
“He was glaring at me so I told him to be careful that the wind didn’t change and leave him looking that way permanently. Of course, with Koran I probably wouldn’t notice any difference. He’s always frowning.”
“That is why you named him Grumpy?”
“Yep. And you’re Happy because you’re always smiling.”
Thor just shook his head. “Shall we take Boris to medical so I can examine him?”
She nodded.
“Do you know where Dex is?” she asked as they moved towards medical.
“He is debriefing the warriors we rescued. Dex is determined to find them all. It is taking up a lot of his time.” There was a hint of sympathy in his gaze and Zoey straightened her shoulders. She didn’t like anyone feeling sorry for her. Particularly when she was just being foolish. “Dex takes his duty seriously. He is a good leader.”
“I know,” she said. “I wasn’t complaining.”
“I know you weren’t.”
“I just need to talk to him.”
Zoey had decided that she should talk to Dex about her fears of the bond breaking and him leaving her. And she’d prefer to do it sooner rather than later. Before her worries got on top of her.
She didn’t want to appear needy, but she needed Dex to reassure her that no matter what, he wanted her. Zoey. Just her. Even if she never managed to learn every bit of Zerconian history or recite the name of every Zerconian ruler since the beginning of time.
“Zoey, there is Dex.” Thor pointed toward the end of the corridor just as Dex and Koran disappeared around the corner.
Zoey took off. “Thanks! I’ll come for Boris later. Giz, you stay with Boris.”
She glanced over her shoulder, noticing that Jaxan kept pace just behind her. Macon had remained with Boris.
“Is there a reason you’re following me around?” she asked Jaxan.
“The Crown Prince’s orders, milady.”
She’d ask Dex about that too. But as she turned the corner, she saw he’d disappeared. “Where’d he go?”
“Perhaps he went into the senior warrior’s area, milady. We should head back—milady!” He jumped forward as she opened the door to the area where the most senior warriors liked to congregate.
“We can’t go in there, milady,” Jaxan hissed as she stepped inside.
“So stay out in the corridor. I’m going in.” It would be pretty empty at this time of day, anyway. Especially as they’d just left Musin. Everyone would have duties to attend to.
I wonder what Koran and Dex are up to?
Zoey crept forward on her tiptoes, peering over a partition. The large room was filled with a number of seating areas surrounding a raised stage.
“Milady? What are you doing?”
So Jaxan had decided to be brave and follow her in.
“What does it look like I’m doing?” she whispered back. “I’m trying to find Dex.”
And she was doing a little snooping as well.
“Why are you walking like that?”
Zoey glanced down at where she was perched on her tiptoes. “So I don’t make as much noise.”
“Walking on your toes helps you make less noise?”
“Just hush,” she ordered. “You’ll give us away.” But she lowered her feet so she was walking properly.
“Milady, why not call out for him?”
Because she didn’t want anyone to know she was here. Yeah, she could yell out but where was the fun in that?
A proper Zerconian mate acts with decorum and grace.
Oh, stuff it. She couldn’t be good all the time.
She could hear hushed voices from another room. Moving as silently as she could, she made her way towards the open doorway.
“Are we going to Edreinia?” Koran asked.
“We have no choice. If that is where my warriors are, then we have to rescue them.”
“Targos isn’t going to let them go. Not after you gave refuge to Dante. He is furious that you