gave his cousin shelter.”
“I know. Which is why we’ll need to conduct this mission without Targos knowing we’re on Edreinia.”
“How do we do that?” Koran asked. “Targos is aware of everything that happens on Edreinia. It has become his little kingdom. He has turned Dante’s palace into a casino and the games he holds for his guests’ enjoyment are sick and twisted.”
Dex sighed. “Dante was aware that Targos has no morals. He still bet his kingdom and lost. He enslaved his people to his cousin.”
Koran growled. “I would have taken Targos out.”
“Dante could not do that. Not without going back on his word. You know how much honor means to Edreinians. Targos always coveted what Dante had, even as a young boy. They may have been raised as brothers, but Targos was always jealous that Dante was the true heir while he was a poor cousin.”
“Targos would never have honored his word. He is the most corrupt being I have ever had the misfortune to meet. Targos could be using our warriors to lure you to Edreinia.”
“There is always that possibility.”
“Then you should not be involved. Not if it is a trap. Let me lead our warriors in to rescue them.”
“They are my warriors. My responsibility.”
“I did not mean to insult you,” Koran replied with a hint of irritation. Koran had been Dex’s best friend since they were young; only he or Thor would dare speak to him that way. “But you have a mate to think of now.”
“Zoey will remain safely on the ship, nowhere near Edreinia.”
“But she does need you. If the worst were to happen—”
“It will not,” Dex replied. “But if it did, I know you and Thor would look after her.”
Her stomach twisted. How dangerous would this mission be? The thought of losing Dex made her feel physically ill.
“Certainly. But Dex, as your second-in-command and as your best friend, I don’t think it wise for you to risk yourself.”
“I cannot ask my warriors to do something I am not willing to do myself.”
Koran sighed. “I understand. What about Zoey?”
“What about her?”
“What will you tell her? Zoey has a tendency to try and interfere in warrior business.” There was a note of disapproval in Koran’s voice that had her clenching her jaw in irritation.
She was tempted to storm inside and give Koran a good slap around his head. Or his ribs, since he was so goddamn tall.
“Zoey believes she is indestructible. She believes she can do anything.”
“You need to correct that.”
“It is not that simple. Zoey is not like our females. Zerconian females are used to the restrictions placed on their movements; they see it as beneficial for their protection. Zoey sees it as stifling. That is why I allowed her to attend the market on Musin.”
“She had guards.”
“I am not about to put my mate at risk. But I do need to allow her some freedom. I cannot confine her in a cage.”
“No one expects that. Our females are not our prisoners. They are cherished and protected. As they should be.”
“Yes, but Zoey is different from our females and allowances must be made.”
“This is not what I expected from you.” The disapproval in Koran’s voice deepened. “So you will let her run wild?”
“Of course not. There will still be rules in place for her protection and I expect those to be obeyed. But I find that her happiness is important.”
She smiled. So the barbarian could learn.
“Compromise is important. I have to balance my need to protect her against Zoey’s need to be independent. Sometimes I merely need to give her the illusion of freedom. Like today, she thought she had just the two guards when I had another three watching over her from a distance.”
Sneaky barbarian.
“Zoey cares deeply,” Dex added.” That is why she acts without thought for her own safety. Because she attempts to look after those around her.”
“Earther males have a lot to answer for. Allowing their women to think that they must take
Anne Machung Arlie Hochschild