Mundo Cruel
it home, but he left it on the street halfway there because it weighed too much. The guy looked at me and offered me a cigarette and I went with him to kill a few hours.
    He paid me with flip-flops and a shirt and I put them on and went to Caneca’s house. Nothing, no police.
    I thought I better call and say that someone died in such and such place. And I call and talk fast and the policewoman told me I have to call another precinct, that they don’t have a patrol car and I hang up, but first I give them the address for Caneca’s house again.
    I go to the Metro theater and fall asleep because I don’t like movies and the cold makes me sleepy but the movie ends and I buy another ticket and sleep again, but the movie is over and I have to leave the theater but it’s already night and I go back to the beach and now there’s more people.
    They killed Paco, I’m told by Niebla, or Foggy as he’s called, another guy who hustles and knew the old man. I asked him what happened but he said he didn’t know, that someone strangled him and then threw bleach all over him and I remembered that I left the empty bottle in the bag and head back to the professor’s who was already back home.
    The bag was on top of the table and he had opened it and asked me about the bleach and I said it was to clean myself afterwards, that it kills the AIDS and he tells me that they killed Paco and that they poured bleach all over him, and he asks me if I knew anything about that and I say no, I don’t, that it was a coincidence.
    He looked at me funny and then I strangled him with a cable so he wouldn’t talk.
    I took his wallet and it had about six hundred dollars and I said I’m buying a ticket and going to Mexico but at the airport they ask me if I have a passport and I say no, and I better buy one for Boston instead, a sister of mine lives there. But I remember that I didn’t have my voter’s ID on me and I go home and she gives it to me but forgives me, and I stay and miss the flight. In the middle of the night she wakes me up and asks me where I got those flip-flops and the shirt and she says she’s not fucking stupid and kicks me out and I go to the airport and tell them I got there late but there’s no flight until the next day, and then I go to the beach but it’s full of police and not much business. From there I go to Río Piedras and cops everywhere. I run into Rabbit and he tells me two guys were killed and the police are looking for the guy who did it and that it was a hustler for sure. I ask him if he knows anybody at all who will take me in and he says I should go over to the beauty parlor guy because the beauty parlor guy had been around and fled when he saw all the police.
    I take off for the beauty parlor guy’s house and he lets me in and I fuck him. I fall asleep and he lets me sleep because he falls in love with guys and takes them in to live with him. The next day he made me a bath and made my breakfast and put out clothes for me so I’d be comfortable. I stayed in my underwear and I made him blow me after I ate. I stayed three days, but on the third day he had me fed up with the smell of hairspray and I went to the beach and met up with Botella.
    His name isn’t Botella, but I gave him that nickname because he always had a little bottle full of bleach on him to wash up after fucking and kill any weird shit. I remember Caneca who always said these marks are battle scars. Botella tells me that they’re after him or suspect him because of the bleach and I tell him I’ll give him a plane ticket so he can go to my sister’s house because she was alone. And he said that’s a good idea and we went to his house and from there to the airport and they tell us you can’t change the name on the ticket but that’s when I recognize a guy from the trade and I signal to him and he looks nervous but comes over and I explain and Botella explains

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