Little Miss and the Law
open and you have to pick em up and put 'em back in,” Jake said, lifting her shirt to reveal a tight torso and a long jagged scar that ran across under her ribs to her abdomen. Those who knew better knew that it was not the result of a roo attack, or a shark attack or any other tale Jake might concoct, but rather it was the result of riding her bicycle through a plate glass window as a child.
    The receptionist turned a delicate shade of green. Mackenzie promptly took her niece by the arm and guided her off the reception desk.
    “Enough, Jake, this is a law firm.” Mackenzie reminded her..
    Jake looked up at her with a grin, not at all phased by her height disadvantage or Mackenzie's increasingly stern demeanor.
    “Ease up Auntie,” she drawled.
    Mackenzie sighed. “I'm out for the rest of the day,” she informed the receptionist. She took Jake lightly, but firmly by the ear and ushered her out of the building. Far from being cowed by the undignified exit, Jake laughed and giggled all the way to the car.
    Stephanie was curled up on the couch when Mackenzie returned home with Jake in tow. Stephanie had all but moved in these days, the women could barely keep their hands off each other and it simply made no sense to spend long nights apart from one another when they could be in each other's arms. Mackenzie noted that the touch of jealously in Stephanie's gaze as she laid eyes on Jake. Jake was a pretty little thing, boyish, but charming, even in those ridiculous clothes.
    “Stephanie, this is my niece, Jake. Jake, Stephanie,” Mackenzie introduced the pair, smiling inwardly as Stephanie's features relaxed with relief at the realization the likeness between the two women wasn't down to mutual attraction.
    “Gidday,” Jake threw herself down on the couch next to Stephanie. “You're my aunt's sheila?”
    Mackenzie clipped Jake lightly over the ear. “Have some manners, brat. Stephanie is my girlfriend.”
    “Right, sure thing, yep,” Jake acquiesced, putting her dirty sneaker clad feet up on the coffee table.
    “Jake! Down!” Mackenzie admonished.
    Looking momentarily crestfallen, Jake removed her feet from the coffee table and kicked her sneakers off onto the floor.
    “You're from Australia too, I take it?” Stephanie asked politely .
    Jake nodded. “Yep, right off the plane. Going to crash with my favorite aunt for a while,” she said, grinning hopefully over at Mackenzie.
    “You're more than welcome to stay, but remember Jake, there are rules. And there are consequences for breaking them.” Mackenzie spoke casually, but there was a pointed note to her tone, as if she meant to evoke some long forgotten memory.
    “Consequences?” Jake asked suspiciously.
    “The very same as there were last time you stayed with me,” Mackenzie nodded.
    Jake rolled her eyes. “Come on, that was years ago. I was a kid. I 'm not a kid anymore.”
    “I don't care if you're ancient, you behave yourself under this roof or you'll get your backside tanned, young lady.” Mackenzie spoke sternly, and Jake flushed bright red with embarrassment, looking pointedly at Stephanie.
    “She won't save you. Act up in front of her and you'll be over my lap whilst she watches.” Mackenzie knew she was laying it on thick, but Jake had a tough hide, both figuratively and literally. It was best to make sure she knew Mackenzie meant business.
    “Okay, okay, I'll be a good girl. Will you be putting me in nappies later too?” Jake drawled sarcastically.
    “That's an idea,” Mackenzie mused. “Maybe I'll get a pacifier too, to quieten you down when you run your mouth into trouble.”
    A soft giggling sound interrupted the repartee between niece and aunt as Stephanie dissolved into laughter.
    “What are you laughing about, hmmm?” Mackenzie asked good humoredly.
    “It's like watching you threaten yourself with a spanking,”

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