Little Miss and the Law
Stephanie said with a smile.
    Mackenzie looked over at Jake who was frowning furiously at her. There was a certain family likeness, the sharp chin, the wide eyes, the broad smile. Jake's unrepentant, bold approach to life wasn't entirely unfamiliar either, but Mackenzie knew all too well where that could lead and was prepared to make very sure that her niece did not repeat her mistakes.
    Jake did not take long to test the house rules. Mackenzie could have guessed that she would get herself in trouble sooner rather than later. She had however, been forced to retire to her study to get a little work done. Jake's arrival had not come at the best time work-wise.
    “Er, Mackenzie,” Stephanie poked her head around the door.
    “Yes?” Mackenzie looked up, barely concealing her irritation at being interrupted.
    “Uhm, I think you should probably come into the lounge.”
    Mackenzie frowned. “Why?”
    “Just... come...” Stephanie disappeared.
    Muttering to herself about the dire punishment she was going to inflict on Stephanie if this turned out to be anything less than life threatening, Mackenzie followed her out into the lounge, where a sickly sweet smoke assaulted her senses.
    Jake was sitting on the couch with a little pipe hanging from between her lips and a glazed, red eyed expression on her face.
    “Oh hey, Auntie, want some?” she offered Mackenzie the pipe.
    Drugs. The brat was actually smoking drugs right in her house. For a moment, Mackenzie saw red. Then she spun on her heel, walked into her office and retrieved something she hadn't used in a long time. A red oak paddle, about 6 inches in diameter. She emerged from the office with this clutched firmly in her hand and strode over to Jake, where she removed the pipe from the miscreant's lips and set it on the glass topped coffee table.
    “I don't need to tell you that is illegal, do I?” she said grimly, sitting down next to her niece.
    “Hey, c'mon, everyone does it!” Jake protested.
    “No, they don't. And you won't be doing it again either,” Mackenzie replied, grabbing Jake by the scruff of her neck and hauling her over her lap bodily. It was fortunate the brat was still smaller than her aunt, because she fought like a little devil to get free.
    “Let me go!” Jake squealed.
    “No, you were warned, and now you'll learn about the consequences of your actions,” Mackenzie said grimly, pulling down Jake's jeans, which were loose enough to pretty much fall down at a moment's notice, but leaving her boy-short panties in place.
    “Plea... OWWWW!” Jake howled as Mackenzie brought the paddle down across her cheeks. If Jake thought she might receive any mercy at all, she was very much mistaken. Mackenzie had no time at all for drugs, and she certainly had no time for coddling this misbehaving little brat.
    Over and over the paddle landed with hard slaps on Jake's cheeks. By the 10 th swat, Jake was crying freely, but Mackenzie continued as the brat cried, not ceasing until a full 30 strokes had been delivered to her cheeks, by which point she was writhing and wriggling like a fish, a loud, screaming fish.
    “Now get up and get over to the corner,” Mackenzie said, releasing Jake.
    Jake leaped up, tears coursing down her face. “I hate you!” she screamed.
    “Hate me from the corner,” Mackenzie replied dispassionately.
    Jake stomped off to the corner where she yanked her pants up and cried against the wall.
    “Yikes” Stephanie whispered. She had kept very quiet during the entire incident, Mackenzie had noted. “That was harsh.”
    “Trust me, she needs it,” Mackenzie replied. “Give that one an inch and she'll take five miles and build a ranch on them.”
    It took some time, but eventually Jake calmed down and was allowed out of the corner.
    “Where is the rest of it?” Mackenzie asked the sullen youngster.
    “The rest of

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