Leader of the Pack
been calling non-stop and making a fuss. As far as he was concerned, this was supposed to be an arrangement of convenience and nothing more.
    Cullen was only mating with the girl as a favor to Brennus Tairneach. He was ancient. Jenna was his only child and he wanted his bloodline to retain some power in his clan. Cullen owed the man a great deal. Brennus had been an alpha when Cullen was still a child. If it weren’t for Brennus Cullen would have been killed centuries ago. But as time wore on Cullen came into his own power. He had never been interested in being an alpha, but he was more than strong enough mentally and physically to do the job. He had created clan Arnauk a long time ago and it was now one of the most powerful clans on the continent. At the same time Brennus was growing older and becoming less influential among the stronger members of the Tairneach clan. It was more than apparent that Jenna would not be able to succeed him and the vultures were clamoring for his throat.
    Brennus’ plan was simple. He called in an old favor. Here was his beautiful daughter Jenna. Cullen couldn’t debate that point. The girl was attractive. Cullen owed him a favor and was more than strong enough to merge the Tairneach with the Arnauk. Brennus wanted the Tairneach name to be carried with one of Jenna and Cullen’s children and when the child was old enough to rule Cullen was to give the Tairneach land to Brennus’ grandchild. Brennus’ only hope was that he would be around long enough to see it happen. But he had no delusions about his ability to hold his position as alpha for much longer.
    When Cullen had received word that Brennus wanted to speak with him Cullen had been surprised, but happily went to visit the man. Initially Cullen had refused Brennus’ request, but had noted the political turmoil in Tairneach territory. There were a number of lycans that were capable of overthrowing Brennus. The only thing keeping the situation from becoming volatile was a small group of loyalists who were backing Brennus. The main problem being that their backing was contingent on Brennus finding a suitable mate for Jenna so that they knew, if a challenge for his position were to happen, there would be someone able to take his place who wouldn’t punish them for their loyalty to Brennus. Cullen had left that initial meeting feeling bad for Brennus and guilty for not wanting the man’s daughter.
    Cullen had done everything he could to help Brennus in some other way, but as the months wore on Brennus became weaker. Jenna was no closer to finding an alpha mate than she had been when Brennus had first summoned Cullen with his proposition. Finally Brennus asked again and this time Cullen had been unable to refuse. He couldn’t handle the idea of the once strong alpha begging for anything. Cullen owed the man too much and had too much respect for him to refuse again.
    Besides, he reasoned that if he hadn’t found a true mate by now it was entirely likely he would never find one. Cullen didn’t put much stock in the idea of a ‘true mate’ anyway. He had always assumed that when he wanted a family he’d pick a woman and mate with her and have a family. He had recently been thinking about it anyway. All of his close friends had gone that path long ago. Ranaild had two sons, Keith had a daughter and Jaylyn was pregnant again, Shona had grandchildren already. Jenna was attractive enough. And if he mated with her then he could take control of the Tairneach problem and not have to worry about his border.
    He sat at his desk, rubbed his face in his hands and tried to not feel like his life was ending. Technically he should have been thrilled by this, a beautiful wife and an unchallenged addition to his clan holdings.
    The truth was that a large part of the final decision involved the problem of who was most likely to become Tairneach alpha if he didn’t. Gregorius was the best candidate. He was also the most likely man amongst the Tairneach

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