Leader of the Pack
enough that Cullen could just see the tops of her delicate, pink areola. She reached out and ran her fingers along the side of his face and down to his chest, “maybe you could offer to let me stay here with you until the ceremony.” She leaned down as her hand continued to travel along his chest, over his stomach, and toward his lap.
    Cullen suddenly had a flash in his mind of blue eyes, brown hair, and an electrical touch that set his wolf screaming for release and pushed Jenna’s hand away. “If you want the mating plans taken care of and the time you made me promise to give you afterward then you’ll get yourself home and deal with your end. I can’t afford distractions. Especially if we’re moving things forward.” His tone was curt and he was rewarded with a pouty, annoyed look on Jenna’s face. He reached down and moved her foot out of his lap.
    “Fine,” she answered. The soothing vixen tone dropped from her voice. “If you insist.” She started to walk out, but turned and looked back at him. “So is this how it’s going to be then?” She tilted her head haughtily and raised her eyebrows in a look that was cooling and Cullen though entirely unattractive on her pretty face. The girl reminded him far too much of her mother.
    He sighed heavily and sat back in his chair, meeting her gaze with an equally cold stare. “How what’s going to be?”
    “Us. Are you going to hate me forever for getting stuck with me?”
    Cullen stared at her, measuring her words. Her tone said that she wasn’t hurt by the idea just curious. “Hate is too strong a word. Last I checked you didn’t want to be doing this either.”
    “Maybe not but I’m at least doing my best to make do. You on the other hand are being a complete bastard. If you think that I’m going to spend my young, energetic life attached to a guy who won’t give me the time of day and not look elsewhere for company then you’re sorely mistaken.” Jenna’s eyes held a strong warning as she spoke.
    Cullen tapped his pen on his desk with annoyance. “Jenna, I’m not going to deal with this right now. But I want you to think about what you just said to me and how exactly it would affect the legitimacy of your heirs. Or more accurately, your father’s heirs. He’s the reason we’re both in this. If you can’t handle the situation then you need to find a different patsy for your needs. Whatever they may be. I’m just the poor schlep who owed your dad too much to say no. This is how it is. You either cope or don’t go through with it. Now, go home. Decide. I’ll talk with you later this week.” His glare held all the vehemence that was missing from his voice.
    Jenna realized all too suddenly that she was about to get stuck in a forcibly monogamous relationship with a lycan who really wasn’t the least bit interested in anything other than repaying her father and just intelligent enough to make her plans difficult. Her father underestimated her. He believed that she was weak because she wasn’t a fighter. But she wasn’t as dense as he thought. What she needed was an alpha without a brain and who she could manipulate. A lycan strong enough to hold the wolves at bay, but weak minded enough to let her lead. She was becoming increasingly more concerned that Cullen wasn’t going to be appropriate for her needs. He was too clever. At the same time if she let him unite the packs and then got rid of him the Tairneach line would run twice the territory her father had. Maybe then her father would see what she was worth.
    Cullen watched her eyes and could see the flashes of emotion. Whatever her thought process was, he didn’t like the look of it. He waited for her to refocus on him. He didn’t trust her. Brennus’s only daughter and she was becoming more and more like her mother. As Cullen watched Jenna he remembered what Brennus had said about her. She needed a strong hand. Brennus had implied that he would prefer that any power over the Tairneach

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