Leader of the Pack
to decide that he needed more territory and go after it. With the constant trouble to the south the last thing the Arnauk needed was to lose their strongest ally. Not to mention that Brennus may have been dying but the pack itself was still as strong as ever. The wrong man in charge of that pack could mean a great deal of trouble. So between the fact that there was no reason for Cullen to not want to mate with Jenna and the fact that he would be protecting the Arnauk in the process, he felt obligated to do it.
    There was another knock on his office door. Cullen looked up to see a blonde head poking through the cracked door. “Any chance you’re going to be able to talk soon?”
    Cullen stared at the pretty blonde. She was smiling admiringly at him. “Yeah, come in Jenna.” He watched her walk in. She was wearing a short black skirt and a tight pink designer shirt. He had to appreciate the sight. If nothing else she was an exceptionally beautiful girl. So why didn’t that thought help?
    She walked around behind his desk and sat against it, giving him an impressive view of her legs. “So when will I get upgraded to being able to see you without an appointment,” she cooed. When she noted his gaze on her legs she smiled and parted them. Cullen couldn’t help his eyes traveling up her thighs and noted that she wasn’t wearing anything under her skirt. And she was a natural blonde.
    “Sorry,” he said with a heavy breath and pulled his gaze away from the sight. But his cock responded instinctively to the scent of the woman’s sex. “I’ve got a lot of work to get done if I’m going to be able to take a vacation for the mating.” He was pissed at himself for not being able to control his reaction.
    Jenna was a more politically minded woman than anyone gave her credit for. It was the blonde hair that did it and the way she carried herself. He found long ago that men were more easily manipulated when they thought she was incapable of thinking past her next new pair of shoes. She was also more than intelligent enough to know that Cullen didn’t want to be mated to her. She saw it every time he looked at her. There didn’t seem to be anything she could do to change the situation. To some extent she didn’t care. He was attractive, powerful, and would help her accomplish what her father wanted. If he didn’t keep her satisfied she’d find someone who could. She was more than a little pleased to see that she had already managed to cause a reaction in him. She knew that in lieu of physical strength she had a great deal of power that men often overlooked, especially powerful men who thought too much of themselves and their abilities.
    She smiled and batted her eyes at him. Then she lifted one foot out of her spiked heal and ran a stockinged toe up his calf, along his thigh, and stroked the bulge in his pants, before letting it come to rest on the edge of his seat between his legs. She smiled through her disappointment when he didn’t reach out and touch her, considering the obvious invitation. “I’ve good news. I’m going into heat. I know that you and father decided that we should be mated next month. But then we’ll have to wait another year before we can try to get pregnant.”
    Cullen felt as though he had just been punched in the chest. He studiously ignored staring at her spread legs. Not that he didn’t notice the scent or completely miss the wet look of her sex. In the end he was still a man and it was a tempting site, but he managed to control his expression. Jenna frowned at the unimpressed look and the long pause before his answer. “Fine. Next week. I’ll have the arrangements changed.
    Good , she thought, he may not like it but at least he had the right answer and maybe he’s not as immune to my charms as I thought. There’s got to be a man in the General somewhere. “At that point,” she cooed and bent closer to him, giving him a delicious view of her cleavage. The pink blouse was low cut

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