Integrity Has No Bounds
soaked and any pretense on her part would be
just words that he’d ignore. She tried to gather her thoughts and
tamp down the excitement she was feeling.
    Too late, damn, his fingers were trailing
down the seam of her lightweight slacks. His fingers lingered at
the spot that felt the wettest and she hung her head. “Let me up,
I’ll go with you for tonight.” His fingers kept running up and down
to her clit with a gentle pressure. “John, I… You have to stop
    “Stop? I don’t think so, not yet. You have no
idea how many times I wished to have you wet like this. Most of the
time my mind had you naked in my arms while I fingered your sweet
pussy, but this is reality and I’ll let you up when you have an
orgasm. Maybe two. I wish there was a bed close enough to lay you
down and lick the honey out of your pussy. Thinking about the taste
and texture of you is giving me more ideas.”
    His fingers kept the pace and her pleasure
steadily mounted until he kept one finger over her clit and pressed
harder while encouraging her to give it up for him. “Come on, sweet
thing, you can give it up, I’m here, I’ll catch you. Take what you
want.” He must have felt the way her body tightened just before she
fell over the cliff screaming her pleasure.
    His fingers were still pressed into the seam
of her pants, but she was too tired to do anything about it. She’d
had orgasms before, but not like this. He was a Neanderthal, a
bossy arrogant asshole, he’d also given her the best orgasm to
date. When she got her breathing under control, she told him to let
her up.
    “Let me get my purse.” He helped her to her
feet, and stood himself. She was too embarrassed to look at his
face, but looking down was a mistake. The hard length displayed
behind his jeans was obvious, and her head shot up to look at his
face. “I, uh. Do you, uh, want me to take care of that for you?”
She didn’t know if the idea excited her because she knew she was
the one that caused his hard-on, or because she wanted to taste
him. Either were legitimate reasons.
    He shook his head, “Not yet, maybe when we
get to the place we’re going. I can deal for a few. Once my pants
come off, we aren’t going anywhere until we’re both too tired to
    Okay, that was pretty clear, he planned to
get naked with her and, too tired to blink? That might be fun, but
why was he suddenly interested? She planned to find out as soon as
possible. She picked up her purse and moved toward the door where
he stood. “I’ll follow you in my Jeep.”
    They got outside and she headed for her
vehicle, but he had her arm and shook his head. He watched her
closely as she opened the door and started to hike her leg inside.
“Do you really want to test me tonight?” She backed out of the
doorway, and bent to put her key under the mat.
    She straightened up and glared at him. “I
don’t like you.” His shrug at her words, showing her that he wasn’t
impressed. “I busted a nail taking the key from the ring, do you
know how long it took me to grow these claws out?”
    He knew damn well that she didn’t have the
kind of claws she was bitching about, her nails were blunt cut, and
playing the guitar kept them that way. She had small callouses on
her fingertips from the strings, so he grinned. “Sorry about that,
I’m a mean fucker.” He dropped the helmet over her head and secured
it, before reaching into his saddlebag and pulling out a turtle
shell helmet for himself. It wasn’t exactly legal, but the heat
usually left him alone at night. They rarely tried to stop a bike
after dark around here, period.
    He took her off the kickstand and started the
engine before jerking his head for her to hop on. She hesitated for
a few heartbeats, took a few deep breaths, and lifted her leg over
the seat behind his hips. The last ride she’d taken was with her
brother, and it was also the day she lost her only sibling. A year
ago, he’d dropped her off at the bar and left

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