Integrity Has No Bounds
but he bit Chewy and one of the kids. So here he is,
back in the wild, he shows up for handouts when he knows I’m
    He turned around after unlocking and opening
the door to invite her in, but she was petting the little shit.
Igor was chattering at her and trying to get her to pick him up.
She was giggling, and he liked hearing that sound coming from her.
“Come on, you can listen to his story of sadness tomorrow, trust
me, he’s always complaining about something.”
    He flipped the lights on in the main room of
the cabin and she was happy to see that the place was furnished
nicely. In her opinion it needed a few splashes of color, but the
room was open and she loved the wood paneling. She walked to a
painting done in oil featuring a river and trees. It was beautiful.
Along beside it were pictures of the same area that the painting
    The furniture was large, leather, and looked
comfortable enough to sleep on. She turned to see John taking a
beer from the stainless fridge. All in all the open concept of the
place was country living, with modern conveniences. She loved

Chapter Four
    He didn’t ask what she thought of the place,
it was his, and he liked it. It would be good if she liked the
place, but not necessary for the purpose as far as he could see.
From the way she was touching everything and nodding as she made
her way around the living room, he felt satisfaction settle in. Her
approval was not necessary, no, but knowing that she enjoyed some
of his personal touches made him smile.
    “The bathroom and bedroom are in back through
there,” he gestured to the opening in the back wall of the room.
“You can find towels and stuff in there.”
    She had to say something, “I love this place,
it fits the setting, and I can see me curling up on that couch to
read a good book in front of the fireplace when it’s cold outside.
I would buy a place like this in a heartbeat if I could afford it.
You were lucky to find it. The only drawback I can see would be,
not wanting to leave the place to go to work every afternoon.”
    She walked through the short hallway and
opened a door. Thankfully it was the bathroom. Again she was
surprised and admitted to jealousy. Lucky man, to own the claw
footed oversized tub. The corner featured a glass enclosed shower,
but the main attraction was that tub. She promised herself that if
she ever could afford a place of her own, she would have one of
them so she could “wallow around like a pig in mud” as her brother
used to say. She sighed, and began to strip out of her smoke
scented clothes. A shower was the quickest way to get clean, and
she stepped inside the glass door.
    The heat of the water relaxed her and allowed
her to let go of most of the day’s tension. She rinsed the soap off
and reached for a towel, uh oh, problem . She stepped out
onto the pile of her dirty clothes, and scooted her feet over to
the cupboard to snag a large bath towel. She toweled her hair first
to get the excess water down to a minimum, her hair was really in
need of a cut, but she hadn’t taken the time to make an
appointment. It was nights like this that she regretted her habit
of putting it off. It would take her a while to comb the butt
length wheat colored mess. She would just throw a braid in it after
detangling it and call it good for the night.
    Drying the rest of her body, and looking for
the shorts and tank she’d brought to sleep in, reminded her that
the clothes were in her bag in the other room. Damn . She
wrapped the towel around her and tucked the end under her arm. She
tried to call for John, but he either hadn’t heard her, or he was
gone from the house. She walked out of the bathroom with her wet
clothes hanging from her fingers. John was nowhere to be seen, but
she heard the sound of his voice from out on the porch. She stopped
to listen, but his was the only voice she heard. He must be on the
phone. That was good. She hurried over to the big couch and

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